8. The King and the Captive

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"Relax your body and ease your mind, but be aware of your surroundings. Feel the vibrations that run through the Earth."

The wind swirled around the boy as he sat in deep concentration, picturing the propagation of his brother's voice as a gentle wave-like motion. He heard faint sounds of chatter, accompanied with the occasional chirping of birds that the breeze carried to his ears. The ground's cool touch left him with a lingering quietude resting in his mind.

Amidst the serenity, his brother's dominant force eased his strained thoughts. As the boy fell into a deep reverie, gratitude rose in him with the remembrance of his past. Controlling his ability was vital for both his body and his skill, something that would be impossible without his brother. Perhaps being able to create illusions really helped him understand the principle of balance.

"Our reality is a lie, and our dreams are a greater one. This may be my belief and mine alone, but solitary peace is the only truth. No mundane life, no emotions or thoughts; only our consciousness, a fragment of the universe in existence."

The depth of the tone amplified the profundity of his mentor's words, but he didn't move in the slightest, only taking a long, deep breath.

"That being said, lies aren't all that bad."

Conrad's eyes opened slowly, smiling at Clay's peaceful expression. His lissome body sat straight, mindful of his discipline. Conrad straightened his back further, imitating the posture. The deep green around him was enlightening, tall trees surrounding them to create a perfect haven.

Gently, Clay too opened his eyes with a composed expression. He stood up in one swift movement, gesturing for Conrad to do the same.

"Let's go for a walk."

The two moved together in silence, admiring the ethereal beauty around. Conrad looked up at his life's cynosure, a small smiling coming on his face.

Clay suddenly stopped and Conrad heeded his action. Clay's pale feet always were bare when he was in the forest, not just because he liked it, but because he felt humble. Sharp rocks and rough paths were often found in the forest, but Clay didn't care, though he was cautious enough to avoid it and not be hurt.

"This forest is exquisite, isn't it? The beauty of Nature is wonderful, but its history is rather mysterious."

Conrad nodded with a firm smile, looking up at the blue sky.

"Do you ever wonder about existence? How the universe, everything came into place?" Conrad asked, his tone heavy with curiosity.

"All the time, though my mind literally breaks."

Clay's laugh was light, the vibrations passing gently through the atmosphere. Conrad smiled softly as his ears intercepted them, its sublime familiarity letting him feel joyous.

"That gave me an idea," Clay suddenly said, a spark of enthusiasm flickering in his eyes.

A small circle appeared around Conrad, glowing softly against the ground. The white light reflected in his brown eyes as he measured its diameter to be approximately twenty centimetres over his shoulder width.

"Without moving from this spot, tell me what lies one kilometre ahead, north-west direction."

The evening sun radiated softly in front of him, meaning he had to turn a little towards his right. Conrad closed his eyes, clenching his fists as he amplified his strength. He stretched his arms above his head, comprehending the balance of power across his body, before he kicked his heel towards the ground.

The vibrations moved swiftly through the ground, and Conrad was able to recognise its feedback. It amused him how people often took super-speed and super-strength as mere physical abilities without understanding its principles. One was based on electromagnetic radiations, and the other on vibrations.

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