Such a handsome boy (Ruki)

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In this scenario, you are the main person obviously, and for the first time Me, author-chan a.k.a Angel is going to be your BFF. Ruki is going to be your crush so this scenario is for all the Ruki fans out there. We are also both vampires in this scenarios. So when we interact with Ruki, he would not think of us as prey.

Y/n:*sigh* Ruki Mukami......."

You watched Ruki as he read his book inside the schools library.
But I suddenly appeared behind you surprising you.

Angel:"You spying on him again?"
Y/n:"Ah! Oh its just you....don't sneak up on me like that, you know I don't like that."
Angel:"Ok ok fine, I'm just messing with you."
Y/n:"But yeah.....I am spying on him again.....*sigh*"
Angel:"I just don't know what you see in that guy, I mean just look at those shining blue eyes, those luscious blue/black locks and that beautiful- Okay I get it now......"
Y/n:"Yeah....I just wish he would notice me."

Angel:"Well Y/n you have had feelings for him ever since you came to this school. I think its time to just talk to him."
Y/n:"No I can't I am still not ready."
Angel:"Okay.....but what about making something for him to get his attention."
Y/n:"That's a great idea, I will make him a love note."
Angel:"Well good luck with that. I gotta go now so I can't help you I'm sorry."
Y/n:"Oh where are you headed?"
Angel:"Oh, Shu just called me and said I need to help him find the best napping place since his couch in the music room is getting cleaned."
Y/n:"Oh okay see you later."

(The next day)

I just reached school and saw you walking down one of the hallways.
I catch up to you.

Angel:"Hey, so how did it go?"
Y/n:"Oh I have already finished the note and I placed it in his locker now all we have to do is wait until free period when he finds it."

(Time skip)

We were both walking towards our lockers (Our lockers are next to each other) when.....


I walked up to your locker, and there are is lot of shredded pink paper around it and there is a note.

Y/n:"It says'NOT Interested'?"
Angel:"Wow, who knew that the handsome Ruki Mukami turned out to be a full blown jerk."
Y/n:"*Sigh**Sniff* Oh. Umm how did the finding a nap spot for Shu go? and what is that on your finger?"

I then laughed nervously.

Angel:"O-oh, well it turns out that once I found a good spot for him in one of the hallways. He actually told me to polish his fangs and while I was doing it, he bit me. Turns out that he just wanted me to help him because he wanted my blood."

Y/n:"Well anyway, there is nothing I can do about I guess liking him in the first place was a bad idea."

You then walked away all depressed.

Angel:Hmmm.....if only there was a way to get Y/n the revenge that she needs.....and I know just how to pull it off.......

I came up with the most brilliant revenge plot and I smirked evily and probably laughing maniacally in my mind.

At the end of the school day.........

You were on your own still depressed when you saw Ayato putting things into Ruki's locker so you walked up to him.

Y/n:"Umm Ayato, why are putting things into Ruki's locker?"
Ayato:"What the hell are you talking about? This is my locker. And yes, I found your little love letter."
Y/n:"Wait, you're the one who tore it up at my locker?"
Ayato:"Yup! And heads up Y/n, next time, if you really wanna impress me, make me takoyaki."

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