Their daily routines in school

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What they do pretty much everyday when they are in school if they don't have a sacrificial bride to look after.....

Once he arrives at school, he would immediately head to the music room and then he will take a very long nap there. But if he decides that he does not want to sleep in the music room on that particular day, he would just sleep in one of the many hallways. He will only show up to certain classes..........if he not to lazy to get up that is.......

The first thing he does when he gets to school is he will straight away get to class early, he is never late to class. And during lunch and free periods, he would head to the library to study, or head to the science lab to do more experiments. After school, he would also be the first in the limo.

Laito will obviously have lots of fan girls around him asking him to sleep with them......Laito will obviously start to flirt with every girl he sees or just criticise girls that he doesn't find attractive.

He would probably spend most of his time on his own talking to teddy. He would probably also spend a lot of times lashing out at people who made fun of him.

Just like Laito, Ayato will have a lot of fan girls around him he would start to let everyone in the whole school know who he is, the great ore-sama. He would also spend a lot of his time in the gym playing basket ball and he might actually show up to some classes if he wants to since he normally skips classes because apparently the great ore-sama doesn't need to study.

Subaru will spend everyday in school on his own doing his own thing and closing out all of his surround sounds. He will most likely be found in the school gardens or the rooftop looking at the sky, basically daydreaming.

Just like Reiji, Ruki has never been late to class and he will spend most of his time in the schools library reading. And he would also be the first in the Mukami family to be in the limo when school ends.

He would immediately be surrounded in his fan girls. He will be buried in fan girls throughout the whole day. He would always be late to class since his fan girls will never leave him alone and he will always be the last of his brothers in the limo when school ends.

Yuma's routine is most likely the most similar to a regular student. He would just wander around the whole school, most of his time spent in the school garden, until class is in session.

Azusa will probably spend most of his time on his own, on the school's rooftop or garden or any secluded area talking to himself and his wounds and most likely creating new cuts in the process.

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