Scenario #1 (Mukami brothers)

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This is a scenario that i just came up with, in this scenario, you are the younger sister of the Mukami brothers, you are the youngest about 15 years old(basically a teenager) and obviously you are not blood related to any of them it is just that Karlheinz adopted you at a later point in time(You also started off as a human).
Also in the scenarios, I will be using the typical Y/N for your name instead of my anime oc name.

You are the beloved little sister of the Mukami brothers. They loved you dearly and you loved them too.
One day, Ruki passed by an item, A limited addition bubble gum scented perfume with a hint of rose. Once he laid eyes on the perfume, he instantly thought of you. You may not be human, but to them, you still gave off a sweet scent. Ruki knew that you will love that perfume, so he bought it and brought it home.

Once Ruki returned to the mansion, he was greeted with the same loving smile from his sister.

Y/N:"Welcome home Ruki, I missed you."
Ruki:"I missed you too Y/N. Also i have a present for you."

Ruki nods his head as he handed the perfume bottle to you. You smiled.

Y/N:"Thank you Ruki, but why buy me perfume all of a sudden?"
Ruki:"Well you see Y/N, even though you are not a human, the others and I have been realising that you do process a very sweet scent. So once I tested that perfume, it reminded me of you and I thought you would like it. So do you like it?"
Y/N:"No I don't like it...."

Ruki's face dropped.

Y/N:"I love it! Thank you so much Ruki! You know me so well!"

You smiled and hugged him. Ruki had a wave of relief cross him.

Ruki:"I am glad you like it... but next time don't scare me like that. Or you will have to be punished."

Over the course of the next few days, you always will spray the perfume on yourself and over time your brothers seem to get even more attached to you.

(Time skip)(2 weeks later)

You woke up getting ready for the day. You entered the bathroom to put on some of the perfume but to you horror.... IT WAS GONE!

Y/N:"Oh no! Where is it?! I can't loose it! It is my most prized possession!"

You then started to think. Who out of your brothers will most likely be the one to take it? Then a light bulb went off in your head.


You then, as angry as ever walk over to Kou's room shouting.


Kou then opened his door.

Kou:"Did you really have to shout Y/N? And no I didn't take your perfume."
Y/N:"Why should i believe you."

Suddenly Ruki appeared.

Ruki:"What in the world is happening here?"
Y/N:"Ruki, I am sorry, I lost the perfume you gave me and I think Kou took it."
Kou:"I can reassure you Y/N. I did not take it. If anything Ruki should be the one to be questioned since he is the one who gave it to you."

Ruki then glared at him.

Kou:"Sorry....but you are the one who bought it for her Ruki."
Ruki:"That is indeed true but it is obvious that I would ask Y/N before taking it. And out of all of us, you are the one who uses th most beauty products. So now you would please return Y/N's perfume."(A little side note, in the anime, it is obvious that Kou uses the most beauty products and make up but in my opinion, even though Kou is definitely very handsome, I personally think Ruki is more handsome. No offence to any Kou fans but that's just my POV.)
Kou:"That is true Ruki, but don't you think I have enough beauty products for myself?"
Y/N:"I see your point Kou."
Kou:"Thank you Y/N~ I knew you believe me~"

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