Scenario #3 (Tsukinami brothers)

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In this scenerio you are a half wolf half human, so just like the tsukinamis, you can transform into a wolf and back.

You were in the woods wondering around, since as a wolf puppy, your parents left you so you lived in the woods your whole life.
Suddenly, a pack of wolves came out of nowhere, luckily you were in your wolf form so they did not attack you. You decided to follow them and you were shocked to see where they were going. After following them, they lead you to a huge mansion, you hid in the shadows of the woods and watch as the wolves broke a window and jumped inside and started to attack the people inside. When the wolves left, you decided to follow them again, they led you to another huge mansion and you saw two men letting them in. One man was wearing a scarf over his lips with golden snake like eyes and white hair, while the other has orange/strawberry coloured hair, he was wearing glasses and an eye patch covering his left eye. You thought they looked very handsome, so over the next few days you decided to live in the woods that is near the mansion and come back frequently.

One day, you were sitting by a tree, when the man with the scarf spotted you and came up to you.


You got a shock and transformed into your human form. Carla got a bit of a shock as well, he didn't know a human like you could also have powers like him.

Carla:"Don't worry I won't hurt you, but I have noticed you have been near my mansion for quite a while. Care to tell me why?"
Y/N:"Well my name is Y/N..."

You then started to tell him your past and how you always lived outside and where your powers came from.

Y/N:"Who are you sir?"
Carla:"My name is Carla Tsukinami. I have a younger brother named Shin, and we are the only two first bloods left. We are the last of our own species."

Carla then started telling you about their pasts and how they are demons, which you knew since you can tell they have fangs.

Carla:"Since you are no mortal human being, would you like to come inside the mansion?"
Y/N:"Really? That is alright with you?"
Carla:"Yes. As long as you are no simple mortal being its fine."
Y/N:"Thank you."

You then followed Carla back into the mansion and you saw Shin come down a flight of stairs to greet him.

Shin:"Welcome home brother. Who do we have here?"
Carla:"Her name is Y/N. Don't worry she is not a normal human she has powers like us. I will leave you two to get introduced the each other. Also Shin please give her a tour of the mansion later."
Shin:"Alright brother."

With that Carla left the room.

Shin:"So Y/N, what kind of powers do you have?"

You then transformed into your wolf form, which caused him a bit of a surprise. You then changed back.

Y/N:"I am half human half wolf."
Shin:"Wow that's rare to come by. Other than myself and Carla, I have never seen anyone with that kind of ability before. Let alone it being half human."

Shin then started telling you about how they were after the heart of the last female first blood, Cordelia, which was placed inside the body of a regular human girl. They wanted the heart so that they can reform the first bloods again.

Since that day, you have been living in the manor with them. However recently, you have noticed you have constantly been growing weaker, you cannot transform from one from to another easily and you also don't howl during a full moon anymore. The reasoning behind this is unknown but Carla assumes that since you have been living with them for almost 2 months, and you have lived in the wild for literally your whole life, your body did not really need to transform into your wolf form as much, so your power is getting weaker.

After noticing this Carla and Shin took matters into their own hands.
They were in your room with you.

Carla:"Y/N, recently have you noticed your power of transforming into a wolf is getting weaker?"
Y/N:"Yes I have noticed that, why do you ask Carla?"
Carla:"Well you see Y/N, since you have started living with us, I was first planning to let you stay for a while and if you don't feel comfortable living here, we would let you return back into the woods. However, over the past 2 months since you have lived here, both Shin and myself have realised that you bring some sort of peace to this household."
Y/N:"What do you mean by that Carla?"
Shin:"What Carla is trying to say Y/N, is that it has been centuries since we have seen another being that can transform into a wolf form like us that recently we realised that we care about you. We want you to live here with us forever."
Y/N:"Really you both think that?"

Carla then took hold of your chin and held your hand.

Carla:"Of course we do. We both have never seen such a similar being to us that we both actually care about. However I would like to ask you something Y/N, if you are going to live with us, there is something we must take care of first."
Y/N:"And what would that be Carla?"
Carla:"What I want to ask you Y/N is, will you be alright with us turning you into a demon like us? Because we realised even with your wolf power, you are still quite weak considering you are half human, plus your wolf power is getting weaker."

Shin then came up behind you and placed his hand on your shoulder.

Shin:"Well what do you think Y/N, would you like us to turn you into a demon so you will be able to help us refresh our species and live with us?"

You looked hesitant for a second but that uncertain frown turned into a gentle smile.

Y/N:"At first I would say no but now you have explained everything to me and I do enjoy living with you both, so I would say yes."
Carla:"Alright Shin begin the process."

Basically the transformation technique is the same as the way the Sakamakis turned Yui into a vampire but this time, both Shin and Carla have to transfer their blood to you since if only one of them transfers his blood, it would only turn you into a vampire. Both of their bloods need to be in you to transform you into a demon.

(Time skip)

You awakened in your bed remembering the process that has been carried out on you. Both Carla and Shin are next to you.

Carla:"Ah at last you have awakened. How do you feel Y/N?"
Y/N:"I feel very weak but at the same time I feel that I am all powerful."
Carla:"The weakness will wear off soon enough."
Shin:"I am glad you chose to stay with us Y/N."
Y/N:"I am glad too."

Since that day, both Carla and Shin have been training you and helping you control your new demon powers. Since you are not born a first blood demon, you are not as strong as them. However, you are as strong as the Sakamakis which is very rare for a being that is born half human. You have also been known as the sister of the Tsukinamis and because of your demon traits, you now have actual fangs instead of just sharp wolf teeth, in addition to transform into a wolf, you can also now transform into a bat. And you can also fly. You have also become a little more sadistic than normal. You now love to see your brother's enemies suffer. You loved your brothers that you will do anything to help and protect them and they love you the same way too.

(Time skip)

The 3 Tsukinami siblings stood by a window of the Sakamaki mansion and watched as thousands of wolves attacked. Both Carla and Shin smiled in satisfaction at their little sister for being the one who sent the wolves there in the first place. All 3 of them watched with sadistic grins on their faces.

After the Sakamakis are taken care of, the next manor on the list is the Mukamis.....

(Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed reading this story, hopefully you all don't find it that bad. There might be a part 2, you will have to let me know if you want a part 2 or not. Also please follow me if you don't want to miss a single update and don't forget to vote, it really helps me out.<3)

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