#5 (Special) Subaru vs Kou Who will Y/n date?

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Once again this episode will include two exclusive questions, one for each brother.

If you guys want to see what dresses me and Y/n are wearing and if you want to hear the full introduction, go to the Laito vs Reiji part.

Angel:"Hello and welcome back to another Special round of who will Y/n date. I am your host Angel a.k.a a/n and this young lady here next to me is our judge Miss Y/n. This will be the final main round of this show.... all the following parts will be a little bit different......This time, our contestants are both cute and handsome at the same time!"

Angel:"Tonight, our final main pairing is the Tsundere albino Subaru Sakamaki, and the two-faced but very charming and attractive Kou Mukami!"

The spotlight then revealed the two of them but this time they are both in different positions, Subaru was standing and leaning against a backboard on stage and Kou is instead sited on a couch like the once found in interviews.

Angel:"Wow...interesting set up we've got here....anyway Subaru, what is you idea of a perfect date with Y/n."

Subaru:"Well....I wouldn't take her out because there is no need to, I would instead spend the whole day with her in the Sakamaki gardens and admire the stars at night."

Angel:"Aww how romantic! Kou?"

Kou:"Well my answer is the opposite~ I would take her to as many places I can but of course I must and will take her to my exclusive concerts~."

Kou's fangirls in the crowd then started to scream of fangirling over him or jealous that they were not part of the game show.

Angel:"Okay Okay, calm down in the audience there!"

Angel:"Back to the questions,what kind of flowers will you give Y/n during your date, you have the option of any flower in any colour."

Subaru:"I will and forever give her white roses."

Angel:"Aww how sweet~

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Angel:"Aww how sweet~."


Angel:"Kou? What's your answer?"

Kou:"*smile* I will give her a different bouquet every time but I will first give her pink roses."


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Angel:"Huh... first pair that say the same kind of flower, just different colours.....anyway, if you are allowed to kiss Y/n anywhere, where would you kiss her first?"

Subaru:"Y-you answer first Kou....."

Kou:"Oh~ no answer Subaru~?"

Subaru:"D-don't talk bullshit and answer already!"

Kou:"Fine fine, well I would kiss her on the nose, just so I can see it scrunched up like the cute kitten that she is."

Kou's fangirls then screamed again and started to scrunch their noses.

Angel:"Okay...calm down girls....Subaru? Your answer?"

Subaru:"U-umm I guess anywhere...but do I have to name a place?"


Subaru:"*sigh* Fine I like to kiss her ears, I like it when she doesn't see me do it*blush*"

Angel, Kou and Y/n:"Aww are you blushing~?"

Subaru:"N-no I'm not! And stop asking that!*blush harder*"

Angel:"Next,what hair style do you want Y/n to wear during your date?"

Subaru:"I guess I like the double braided ponytail..."

Kou:"I like the twisted crown

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Kou:"I like the twisted crown."

Angel:"Okay, final main question, do either of you believe in love at first sight?"

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Angel:"Okay, final main question, do either of you believe in love at first sight?"

Subaru:"Not at all, no one can fall in love because of one glance."

Kou:"Well even though I am sure a lot of my fans believe in it, I also don't really believe in love at first sight."

Angel:"Okay now for the exclusive question, Subaru your question is, would you give your silver knife to your lover in order to protect her from yourself?"

Subaru:"Yeah I would....its to make sure that she can kill a fithly monster like me since I am a monster...."

Angel and Y/n:"Your not a monster Subaru..."

Subaru and Kou:"Yes he/I is/am."

Angel:"Why don't we let our reader-chans decide, is Subaru a filthy monster like he says he is? Because I don't think he is. Comment below."

Y/n:"Can we get the other exclusive question now?"

Angel:"Yep, Okay Kou, your question is, if you had to give up your idol life if it means you can be with the love of you life?"

Kou:"Oh~ that's a tough question Neko-Angel~. But I have to say, yes I will give up my idol career if it means I get to be with my true love."

Kou's fangirls then said aww, both in admiration and in disappointment.

Subaru:"Who in the hell will believe that answer?!"

Kou:"You can believe whatever you want to believe Subaru~."

Angel:"Alright it looks that's a warp for the cute and handsome addition of who will Y/n date and it is also the final part for it, who do you think she would date? Have a think and good night everybody!

Subaru:"Good night everybody."

Kou:"Good night my Neko-chans♡~*wink*."

So who's answers do you guys like better? Leave a comment<3

All of the coming up parts of the "who will Y/n date?" Series, will have different questions every time<3

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