Hunger (10)

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HALP I LOST MY PLANS FOR HER SOUL wait it's probably still in my Language Arts notebook. Well time to rewrite it. Maybe in math this time. >w0


"Watch where you're going!" she said, sitting up and rubbing her head. The chalk in her hand was oddly shaped, like someone had taken bites out of it. A strange hunger.

I'm kinda hungry right now. Due to the fact that I skipped breakfast and I'm always hungry.

I know I'm craving something, I just don't know what. You know that feeling?? Well, that is how I feel right now.

Usually when I see the food I'm craving, I know what it is. So at lunch, I look at everything. Every little option to eat.

But nothing was it. I'm still starving, so I just chew my food, sit quietly, and inspect the cafeteria.

Lots of couples in the room, and then there are the stereotype tables, like the nerds, jocks, popular girls, bullies, friend groups, and the lonely kid. Which is me.

Even though I'm not hungry anymore, I'm still craving...! Fuck, what the hell am I thinking?? I can just wait to eat till later.

I silently chew my food, still craving and lusting for it.

I walked silently back to Miss Alphys' room and watched as everyone enjoyed their time togwther. I took out my phone, and watched the Doki Doki Forever MMD on repeat. (If I keep doing that, people are going to think I'm a lesbian. But I'm bi already sooo xD)

No one came back to class for awhile, so I just watched it again and again until the class poured back in, one by one. I watched the class sit in their seats, some chattering away with their friends, others preparing for the lesson.

Miss Alphys walked in, ready to teach, new chalk in hand.

Her Soul | Susie x Fem!ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu