Foxy Liar (4)

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Susie's POV

Ugh, that....! Fox! Why is she lying to all of us? It's too obvious!


She pinned me to a locker and started talking, smoothly, but it was clear that she was angry. The way anger hinted at the end of her each word, sent shivers down my spine and rose goosebumps on my arms. I tried my best to keep my calm, telling myself that my S/T (soul trait) would help me.

But my S/T was failing me. I tried to remain calm as her words struck me down.

"I know you're lying to us all, Foxy. Seriously, a school? No one wants your bullshit in this school. School is probably the worst place to even try this. Just get out of this school." She said. She didn't say it in her normal gruff voice, it was more smooth with serious in every word.

I slowly looked down at her, and I realized the awkward position she had me stuck in. "Uh, Miss-" I started. "I'm not a Miss!" she shouted. "Oh then! Uh, my name is Y/N! What's your name?" "Not your business. Now I suggest you listen to what I said." She said, releasing me, leaving me to fall straight down onto the floor, thank goodness feet first. I landed right on my butt though.

I stood up, and pretended to wipe some dust off my skirt. But there did seem to actually be some dust. Chalk dust, I believe. Hm, how would have that gotten there?

Well, I have to get to class anyway.

Upon my arrival, people ignored me or just looked at me funny. But of course I'm used to this.

I know I'm a fox and all, but would it be so hard to treat me as a normal human being for even a day? Not stare at my presence?

Well, I'm thinking this so no one knows.

No one can choose who they are in this world.

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