Noelle (3)

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"Y/N!" I heard someone exclaim. That voice was definitely Noelle's, no doubts about it. Turning around, I see her worried face as she rushed to me. "It's been, how long, since your 17th birthday party?" she said. "Yeah, I believe so." I answered. Noelle says party, but it was really just me and her. Like I said, I don't have many friends. She gave me my favorite hoodie then, F/C with a flame on the bottom, a cat on the pocket. It was just

Noelle and I walked to class together, ignoring all other life forms that may have been in the hallway. Heck, I probably stepped on someone who tripped over their own foot, which happens more than you'd expect.

My ears twitched, telling me I felt I'm in danger. But I felt safe, lollygabbing around with Noelle, the Christmas lights hanging off her antlers. Her eyes widened as she whisper-yelled "Hide!" She ran to an open locker and shoved herself into it. I was confused, but I soon realized her reasoning.

That girl.

Approaching us.

And she did not look happy.

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