Chapter Forty-Six

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When I woke up from my nap, the rain was falling heavily, outside. I glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was seven o'clock pm. Wow time flies by so fast.. I rolled over on the bed, wincing a little bit. My body was sore, from my recent activities. A stupid grin slides across my face, as I remembered couple hours ago.

"Baby?" I touched the side of the bed groggily, it was cold. I glower in vexation. Where in heavens name did he go? Wrapping the sheets around my body, I tramp out of the room.

Tristan was sitting in the living room/kitchenette, he was in a pair of PJ bottoms and a white T-shirt. Which showed off that yummy muscular body of his. His laptop glows in the darken room, as he taps away on the keyboard. A cigarette was glowing in the ashtray. I hated his smoking habits. I wish he would lay off.

"Babe?" I said, with uncertainty.

Tristan leans back in his chair, he tilts his head to the side looking at me. "Tiana. Welcome back to the land of the living."

"Mhmm. What are you doing?" I asked, flushing a little bit underneath his scrutinizing glare.

"Trying to finish up my book. I have only two chapter left. I can't seem to find the perfect ending for this book." He said, picking up his cigarette. He took a drag.

"Maybe you should take a break find some more inspiration." I said, stepping further into the room. The sheet trailing behind me.

"Mhmm." He closed the laptop lid. "...... also I just realized there is no Wi-Fi."

I snorted. "We couldn't afford fancy things like that. If you wanna use the internet then you gotta put on a plan."

"A plan?"

"Yes." Tristan pulls me down on his lap. I rearranged the sheets. "...... or you can purchase one of those internet box, for three thousand Jamaican dollars. Usually last for a month."

"Okay. I was thinking of renting a car, maybe we can get that box thingy you're talking about."

"Why do you wanna rent a car?"

"No reason. I just think it would save us the hassle." He answers.

"It's up to you. I don't care either ways."

"Planning to visit your mother tomorrow?" He asked, stirring the conversation away from Wi-Fi and rented vehicles.

"Mhmm. You wanna come with?"

Tristan presses a kiss on my collarbone. "I don't want to hinder you."

"Nonsense." I said. His hands disappeared under the sheets. I snuggled into his arms. Tristan rubs my thigh soothingly. I shivered in his arms.

"What was it like being here?"  Tristan asked.

"Mhmm where did that question come from?"

Tristan kisses the nape of my neck. "You don't really talk about yourself all that much."

"You neither. You're in no position whatsoever to judge." I said, closing my eyes.

I kicked my feet up on the coffee table. I felt the sheet dips a little bit lower.

"Well maybe I deserve that. But still. I want to know about you. How can we be in a relationship when we know nothing about each other?"

"You really did choose the wrong profession."

Tristan snorts. His fingers started to climb higher.

"Life wasn't easy for us here. Everyday was a struggle for us, that is after my mother's husband left." Tristan continues groping me. "..... My mother never had a job in her life."

"Huh? Then how did she take care of you and your sister?"

"That's easy. She was always in a relationship. Fucking anything that has legs. Mostly we would just go to bed hungry. Or the neighbours next door.... would give us something to eat whenever they see us walking past. My mother never cared." Taking a deep breath, I continued. " My mother got hooked on drugs couple years back. I think I was in my first year of high school, that's when the little "slip ups" started to happen."

"Slip ups?" Tristan repeats.

"Mhmm slip ups. At first my mom, would pick on my sister....... because well my sister was a coward. She didn't have a backbone. She would always go along with whatever that witch says. One day my mom brought over this guy.... just one look at him and I knew he was a pedophile. My mother calls my sister, at that time I was sitting in the living room colouring.... anyways I heard hushed talking so I decided to go take a look. The guy had my sister down on her knees. My sister was pleading, begging him to stop. But the guy just.... he was just getting turned on more and more. My mom had disappeared she must have went out to go grab some take out for dinner or whatever...." I licked my lips. "..... I remember watching the guy throwing down my sister backwards on the bed. He forcefully parts my sister legs. My sister was just lying there, crying like some fucking wuss! She was just so fucking weak and I hated that! I hated my sister for being such a walk over. The man pulls her panties down. Spreading her legs open. I watched him open his pants.... Taking out his manhood." I smiled sadly. ".... I don't know what happened. One moment I was standing at the door and the next I was standing over that perverted freak, with my one of those baseball bats.... He was lying on the floor unconscious...."

Tristan wraps his arms around my waist.

".... when my mom came home she was upset. She backhanded me. When I crumble on the floor. She started to kick me. My sister was wailing as she stretched her hands towards me. Shaking her head.... My mother grabs me by the head, slamming me against the wall. I remember pucking up blood. Lots of it. All that pain made me light headed. So I passed out. When I woke up. I was in an hospital...." I laughed drily. ".... i woke up with two fractured ribs, one major headache, a broken arm and a swollen face.... thanks to my mother.."

"Where was she?"

"She was sitting at my bedside as usual. It's her favourite place to sit whenever she puts me in the hospital."

"Then why are you doing this? Why are you so eager to help her?"

"I'm not eager Tristan. I just.... she's my mother and I have to do whatever it takes to help her out. I don't want this to rest on conscience for the rest of my life." I rubbed my temple.

Tristan's forehead bumped against the back of my head. "I hate her and I don't even know her."

I chuckled, patting his hands which were still underneath the sheet. "I'm over it. The past makes us who we are. Not like I can run away from it. I have to face it someday. No better time than the present." I said sadly. I'm I really over it?

Tristan's hold becomes more firm. "Well she can't hurt you no more, because now you have me. And I won't stand aside and allow some drug addict to manhandled you or treat you like shit."

My lips wobbled. Curling up on his lap, I pushed my face in the crook of his neck. Tristan continues rubbing my nape soothingly.

"Thank you, for this." I croaked. Tristan pressed another kiss to my collar bone.

I've never had anyone who cared for me like you do......

And there. As promised.


The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now