Chapter four

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Been a while since I've updated..... 😑.


Couple days later.

I sighed in annoyance. I was in a complicated place right now I didn't know which curtain to choose the green or the pink. Reason why I was here doing this right now was because a couple days ago Cathy had a party at our small apartment and her guest ruined the fucking curtains.

So here I was doing this when it wasn't even my fault those curtains got ruined. Cathy was off on an hunting trip with her brothers, and Jason the guy she digs. Well at least this gives me something to do I guess.

"Okay I will just close my eyes and just grab whichever color. It's better this way." I muttered to myself. I closed my eyes and reached forward.. I grabbed onto the soft silky material. I then open my eyes and frowned I had the green one. The pink was really nice but I couldn't go back on my word. I sighed and turned only to slam into something warm and hard. I stumbled back tripping and falling on my ass... which really hurts a lot.

"Ouch.." I groaned.

"You're a klutz as well... now that's adorable."

I knew that voice. I squinted at the person. Looming over me was Tristan the guy that I haven't been able to get out of my head since last weekend.

"Tristan. What are you doing here?" I asked.

He held out a hand and I accepted it... he pulled me up, he was really close... like all up in my personal space and I couldn't resist the urge to blush.

"I'm doing some house shopping along with grocery and everything else that goes with redecorating." He said stepping away. He stooped down and retrieved my bag which he handed to me. He shoved his hands in his pocket. "How about you?"

I looked down at the curtain which I had under my arm. "Nothing extreme your sister did a number on the apartment so I have to be cleaning up her mess, she is off in the wild hunting animals." I said in distaste.

"Oh. Cathy has always been like that." He said. Running his hands over the materials.

"I know.... um so you almost finish or you just getting started?"

"Just getting started." He answered.

"Want some help?" I offered. Why the hell did I do that? Why the hell did I even offer to help him?

He gave me an expression which I didn't quite understand. As soon as it appeared it disappeared.

"Sure if you want to. Afterwards I will treat you to some brunch and give you a ride back to your place."

"You don't have to do that."

He shrugs "Nothing comes for free I guess you could say that."

He turn and walked away. I shook my head in confusion.
The shopping didn't take long. Once you know what you're looking for its pretty darn easy to find what you want.

We were currently sitting in his car munching on burgers, chips and coke. I hated crowd and he hated crowd seems like that was something we both had in common. We decided to get it to go and go somewhere quiet to eat. So we were sitting in the back of his car, parked at his favorite place... the view was lovely you could see the entire city from up here.

"So you got a boyfriend?" Tristan asked before slurping on his orange soda.

That question caught me a bit off guard. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ears and risked a glance at him... his eyes were completely covered by his sunglasses so I couldn't see what his facial expression was like.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now