Chapter Three

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I decided to take a stroll outside where the air was fresh and I could breath. I nibbled on my lips earlier I was staring too hard on Cathy's brother Tristan.

He looked a bit annoyed when he saw me staring but I wasn't doing anything bad I was just admiring him. Not that I didn't see the scar... I saw it and I thought it was really hot. Of course he got offended b... But you can't Blame me its the first I'm meeting a guy that makes my... Um downstairs area get wet so fast not to mention my nipples got painfully hard and my body never use to react that whenever I see my boyfriend.

Well ex boyfriend. Tristan was really handsome... He had shoulder length hair which was jet black.... Soft and silky I can bet and when he laughs it's like... His face gets more prettier. He was taller too... At least six foot three really tall. My ex was shorter why the hell I'm I comparing him to my ex?

The scar on his face made him look dangerous... I shivered as I wondered what it would be like to get held by a real man like that... And all those muscles god... He was so hot. His eyes weren't like Cathy they were green like as a forest. I cannot believe that I spent the entire evening staring at him. I hardly ate anything and now I was a bit starved. I pat my tummy and sighed.

"Are you following me?"

I jumped. Sitting not so far away from me was Tristan he was smoking as he dangled his feet in the pool. I didn't even realize that there was a pool right here. Silly me! I need to be more aware of my surroundings.

"Um I.... D... Didn't know that someone was out here." I stuttered.

His lips twitched. I guess you could say that's a smile.

"All that tension finally got to you huh?" He asked before taking a draw from his cigarette. His voice was music to my ears it was rough and soft at the same time. I could listen to him talk all night.

"Not really." I said staring at him once again... His hair glistened in the moon light.... His beauty was just beyond words.

"Does my scar disgust you that much?"

I frowned. "Why would you ask that?"

He crushed the cigarette on the tile and turned towards me. "Well for starters you keep on staring at my face."

"Oh how rude of me I'm sorry if I offended you in any way I didn't mean to."

"Its okay I get it all the time so its just..... whatever."

"I wasn't looking at you with scorn or anything... I just.... I'm sorry it was impolite."

He waved his hand dismissively. "You should sit or whatever don't mind me." He returned to staring at nothing in particular.

"How old are you?" I asked shifting from foot to foot nervously. I wanted to hear him talk more.

He chuckled it was a beautiful sound which gave me goosebumps. "I'm twenty seven this year how about you?"

"Twenty one."

"Six years younger. By the way why are you still standing you should sit."


Making my way over to the pool chairs I sat down folding my legs. God I'm so awkward.

"Just so you know. The family is chill they're just a bit out of it because its been a while since I've been around." He removed his legs from the water and stood up. He then made his way to over to the empty chair beside me. He plop down on the chair beside me.

I could smell the stench of cig and old spices. I sat straighter... Folding my hands over and over nervously.

"Why haven't you been around lately?" I asked the only question that's was currently on my mind..... he was sitting so close to me all i could think about was jumping his bones.

Tristan shrugged.

"Sorry that was real um.... Personal I shouldn't have asked that question. I shouldn't have asked." I said shaking my head.

"Its alright." He said turning to look at me. I risked a glance at his chest. The first three buttons were open and I swallowed hard when I caught sight of his rich pale skin.

"You're doing that thing again." He said.

"Sorry you're just so attractive." I stuttered.

He laughed. "Well I haven't heard those words in a while due to well... This." He said pointing at his face.

"I was out of line."

"No no its alright you're pretty attractive yourself... Miss Evans."

"Please Tiana is fine."

He smiled. "Okay."

"Cathy always talks about her siblings just never really heard much about you..."

He said grabbing the towel and patting his wet legs. He shrugs.

I nibbled on my lips.

He ran his hand through his hair. "I like your accent by the way where you say you're from again?" He asked changing the subject.


"Your accent is lovely. How long will you be staying?"

I pushed a lock of hair behind my hair. "I'm here for four years."

He bobbed his head. "I see..."

We sat in silence.... It was a bit awkward but at the same time it was okay. I've always liked silence. To be honest I wanted to hear him speak some more but I didn't know what to say to get the ball rolling. He seems closed off like me. I guess we both have something in common.

"Tiana! Tiana where are you??" I heard Cathy calling from somewhere in the house.

"Oh!" I jumped at attention. "Cathy is calling I better go."

He stood up... He was so tall and muscular and.... and so sexy god! Damn!

"So I'll see you around. It was really a pleasure meeting you... Tiana."

"The pleasure was all mine."

I said meeting his gaze he gave me a mischievous look, he didn't even hide the fact that he was indeed checking me out. I cleared my throat gave him a shaky smile turned and hurried away.

I could feel his gaze on me, the whole entire walk from the pool to the house. My panties were soaked but why?

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now