Chapter Fourteen

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I'm exhausted. Its just eight o'clock PM and I'm already sleepy.... *yawn* next chapter as promised.


I can't believe I invited Tristan over.... I called him earlier, I didn't expect him to answer but he did and he agreed to come over. I can't believe he is sitting against me. Because of this I couldn't eat, just like the other night I couldn't breath I was just too conscious of him being close to me.... and my heart was just beating so fast.

"Not gonna eat any?" He asked, nudging me.

I stared at the pizza, I don't think I could hold it down. Might end up puking from being so nervous.

"You want some soda?" I asked.

Tristan shifted against me. "Um I don't wanna be a bother."

".... It's uh no problem." I sprang up out of the chair.

I practically run to the small kitchenette.... I leaned against the fridge. Inhale, then exhale. I closed my eyes.... what the hell is wrong with me? I grabbed my chest. Stop beating so fast! Please calm down. I pulled the fridge open with shaky hands. I grabbed one of the many cans out of the fridge. Closing the door, I turned around only to walk into something hard.

I stumbled backwards. Tristan arms snakes around my waist catching me before I could embarrass myself.

It felt like my heart was in my throat. My legs shake and I leaned on Tristan for support. His green eyes peers into mine. It felt like he was looking into my soul.

I've never felt this vulnerable and naked in a while. .... wait have i ever felt this way before?

"... You okay?" He asks in concern.

"... j.... just startled." I stuttered.

He looks at me sheepishly. "Sorry you were gone for a very long time, I only came to check up on you. I didn't mean to startle you."

"No... p... problem." He smelled so good. Tristan helps stabling me. This is my chance.

Closing my eyes, I tipped on my toe inhaling his intoxicating smell. Just his smell alone is enough to set me off.


I opened my eyes in shock. Tristan was staring at me with a pained expression. Almost looked as if he was holding back.

Oh my god! What the hell did I do. His arms tightens around my waist. The soda falls from my hand when he presses me against the refrigerators. What the hell is wrong with him and hard surfaces?

His lips pressed against mine and I whimpered in happiness. It's like I've died and gone to heaven. I've wanted this from the moment I opened the door and saw him standing there looking handsome in black. His tongue swipes across my lips and I shivered.

Tristan lifts me, pinning me to the fridge. His fingers grazed my legs... I nipped his lips and he grunts inside of my mouth. He pulls away, way too soon for my liking.

"Tiana... we can't."

I pressed my forehead against his. "Why?"

"Because... you're a nice person and I don't wanna hurt you."

I frowned. "Hurt me, how?"

Tristan sighed. He releases his hold on me, stepping away. He leans against the counter top folding his arms.

".... I won't hide it anymore..."




"Hide What?" I asked, huskily.

"I'm attracted to you..." He replies. It was as if time stood still. "But...." there is always a but. ".... I'm not interested in a relationship."

"Who said I wanted a relationship!" I blurted out.

Gee you sound a little bit too desperate. I flushed. Tristan stares at me. He was probably waiting on me to elaborate. I opened and closed my mouth.

Honestly I dunno what to say. I can't believe I just blurted that out. Like what the hell Tiana! You need to think before you fucking speak. Tristan steps forward again, touching my shoulders.... I tilt my head back meeting his eyes.

"Then what is it you desire Tiana?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

I licked my lips and his eyes followed the motion.... "I.... i...." I looked away in embarrassment, He tilts my head up. Forcing me to meet his eyes. Once again my legs trembled. Those eyes were stripping me naked.

I opened my mouth to answer when I heard the lock turn in the front door. We both tensed.... the front door open and closed.


Cathy! What the fuck is she doing here? I thought she was gonna crash at her aunts guest house.

Fuck. I looked at Tristan with panicked eyes. Holy baby Jesus I'm so screwed.....

To be continued

"Next week on The One Who Grounds Me"


"Stay tune for more craziness..... I love you all. Adios. 😂

Did you fall for it? Like I was gonna give a spoiler alert.... Oh please. Night night pumpkins.

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