Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I missed a day...


When I got back to the apartment, the next day. The place was a mess. There was beer bottles and cups everywhere. The curtains were ripped to shreds. Chips was scattered everywhere on the floor and the cushions in the chair were just feathers now. A naked man and a woman was passed out on the couch. Disgusting. Dumping my bags on the floor, I stormed into Cathy's room.

She was sitting upright in her bed, typing away on her laptop. She looks up briefly when I entered the room.

"I'm sure you can read. Isn't there a sign on the door that says "knock and wait"?" She enquired, starkly.

"I ain't in the mood for your bullshit, what the fuck did you do to the apartment yesterday?" I demanded.

"I threw a party. Isn't that obvious?"

"I thought we agreed that there will be no more parties in this apartment, after what transpired a couple months ago?" Couple months ago someone overdosed on our couch.

"Never promised you anything, and last time I checked this is my apartment!"

"Its our apartment Cathy. I pay half the rent."

She rolls her eyes, picking up her cup of coffee from the bedside table, she took a sip.

"You mean you pay half the rent sometimes?" She chided.

"I only missed this month's pay because I haven't found a decent summer job as yet."

"There are a lot of summer jobs out there. "Decent summer jobs". You just can't find any at the moment because you're too busy fucking around.... with some strange guy you met in the back of an alley!"

"Is that why you threw a party?"

"I could care less about who or what you fuck. This is my apartment and I will do as I fucking please, if you don't like it maybe you should leave!"

I backed away, nodding my head. Her words hurt. I honestly thought we were friends. This is why I push people away. Everyone says I'm a pessimist, but I don't think so. I just had a feeling that this was gonna happen.


Turning, I walked out of her room wordlessly.

One hour later after aimlessly walking around. I stared at Tristan's old Victorian house in horror. What would he think of me, if he saw me out here right now? I don't wanna be too clingy or needy. I don't even know why I'm here. My phone chimes. Fishing it out of my purse, I stared at the glowing screen.

Tristan: if you could describe me with three words, what would they be?

Huh? Shouldn't he be working?

Me: thought you said, you had work to do.

Tristan: I do, but I'm not in the writing mood right now. Answer the question. -_-

God i swear, this guy loves bossing me around, I pushed the fallen leaves off the small bench near the gate.

Me: Mysterious, Closed off and kindhearted.

I sat down, my phone chimes again. I stared at the screen.

Tristan: Closed off?

Me: Mhmm.

Tristan: Won't you Elaborate?

I snorted, my fingers moved over the keyboard with speed.
Me: No why should I elaborate, when you already know the answer to that question.

Tristan: -_-

I chuckled.

Tristan: You're the worst.

Me: I'll take that as a compliment.

Tristan: *eye roll*

Tristan: I'm just curious, what was your first impression of me?

My fingers hovers over the keyboard. I flushed in embarrassment, where did he get these questions from anyways? My heart was pumping rapidly in my chest. I nibbled on my lips. When I first met Tristan, it was at a family get together. Cathy had coerce me into going with her. I could remember that day ever so well.

Me: I was intrigued by your erm.... demeanour. You were just.....

My fingers made the mistake of pressing send, instead of delete. Wait! Wait! That wasn't what I wanted to say. Oh dear god. The ticks at the bottom of the message turns blue. He saw it.

I continued staring at my screen, I was getting impatient! Why won't he reply?? Getting up, I returned back to the gate. I pressed the buzzer, reluctantly.

My phone started to vibrate in my hand, frowning I glanced down at my screen. It was a number I did not know. An unknown number. Sliding the green button across the screen, I placed the phone at my ears.


"Is this Miss Evans?" The person on the other side asked.

"Yes this is her." I replied, quizzically.

The gate choose that moment to open. I stepped through cautiously.

"My name is Doctor Stanfield, I am a doctor at the Cornwall Regional hospital. I was wondering if you had a couple hours to spare. Your mother met in an accident yesterday evening, a drunk driver collided into her vehicle. "

Accident? The phone slid from my grip, falling on the grass. I suddenly felt light headed. As much as I hated that woman, I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. Yes she has caused me fifteen years of pain, but that doesn't mean... I wanted her dead. I leaned against the flowerbed. I was confused, I didn't know how to feel exactly. A part of me was relieve, while the other part was... sad. My legs trembles....


Tristan! I looked up trying to sought him out, but my vision was blurry. I pressed my right hand to my erratic heart. His voice was so far away, I couldn't breath. I couldn't talk, my tongue was suddenly too heavy in my mouth. I felt his arms wrapped around me.

"Hey! Stay with me." Tristan growls patting my cheeks. ".... come on take deep breaths."
Tristan kisses my forehead. "Come on baby, deep breaths for me."

I took a breath, his arms tightens around me, pulling me closer. I pushed my face in the crook of his neck, I took another deep breath, inhaling his scent. Tristan hoist me up into the air. The grass scrunch underneath his boots as he moves forward.

I kept my eyes closed, basking in his scent.

Why must I feel like this? Why?

Well there it is.... I hope you enjoyed.

Thanks for viewing as usual. Goodnight pumpkins. 😊

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ