Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Couple minutes later

I bit into my pizza with joy. The taste of cheese, swarmed my mouth. I groaned loudly. Tristan shakes, his head at me. His gaze darkens, as he looked at my lips. My tongue swiped across my lips. "I see you're enjoying your pizza." He rasped.

I curled up in the seat. "Mhmm." I hummed, as I chewed the mouthful of pizza.

Tristan rest his head on his hand, his gaze was watchful. I ducked my head, Flushing bright red. "You're looking at me weirdly. Is something on my face?"

"No. I'm just admiring your beauty."

I scrunched up my face. Staring at him. He stretched, his left hand towards me, his thumb swipes across my lips. He sticks, his thumb into his mouth. I only ended up blushing more. I probably looked like a beetroot, right now.

"So tell me, what kind of movies are you interested in?" He asked. I slurp on the heavenly goods, before answering.

"Action movies."

"I actually thought you would say romance... you seem to love reading books like those."

I shrugged, "I do like romance novels just, I don't really enjoy the shows all that much. They are predictable like the novels, if you ask me."

"Interesting. So if you do get the chance to become an author, what exactly will you write about?"

"I don't really know. Novels are sometimes hard to write. Mostly I would like to write books that keeps, people on their toes you know. Like there would never ever be a dull moment in my books. I want my readers to feel entertained. I don't want them to open up my book and the first thing that comes to thought is.... "Oh I can already see what's going to happen in this book."."

"Books are cliche, these days and abridged." Tristan took a bite of his pizza. "... you're looking in the wrong places. There are a lot of new upcoming authors out there who actually, write pretty awesome books."

"I never judge a book, by its cover. I am always down to trying out new books, just no horror please. I have a very wild imagination. Last thing I need is a nightmare."

Tristan snorted a laugh. His laughter warms my stomach.

"You are the worst! I mean, what kind of boyfriend, takes his girlfriend to see horror movies, when he knows that she hates those kinds of movies."

"I admit I deserve to get yelled at, but you deserved it." He said, smiling.

Picking up a French fry, from the basket. I chucked it at him. He caught it in his eager mouth. I rolled my eyes.

"So you like action?"

I scrunched my nose up. "Not all the time. Sometimes it's too blood thirsty."

"When was the last time, you watched a good action movie?" He asked

"Probably three years ago?" I replied, with uncertainty.

"Why so long?"

"Never really had much friends in high school. As soon as school was over I would just go home. I never really had a TV of my own, my mother kept, the only TV in her bedroom. My boyfriend was a dick, he hardly ever had time for me he was always working. Too busy to catch a movie with his girlfriend. Or better yet my mother was always hounding me and keeping a track of my movements. I wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend underneath her roof."


I flushed embarrassed. "Sorry uh, that was way too much."

"No of course not. This is us getting to know each other." He said squeezing my hand across the table. "... and I like hearing about you. You always try your best, to take the attention off yourself. I'm happy that you're giving me a chance."

I nodded. "So um what about you?"

"I hardly have time for movies these days."

"Sorry, for uh dragging you here." I said, tugging at the table cloth.

"No need to apologize. I'm always bombarded with work. I am currently working on a suspense series. It's kicking my ass. I haven't passed the fifth chapter as yet."

"Writers block."

He bobs, his head twice. "My fans wants me to do a sequel. For the series that I just finished it's really busting my ass."

"You need more inspiration."

"I need a break." He said, reaching over and taking another slice of pizza. "I have been writing without breaks for too long. The sequel might take some time but I will finish it eventually." He took, a big bite, of his pizza.

I watched, as he polished off the slice that was in his hand. In three big bites. I took a sip of my strawberry milkshake.

"What about you? Write anything lately?"

"No." I said swirling my fork around in the pink liquid.

"Have you given up?"

"No never!"

"No need to get defensive."

"Its just, I haven't had the time to do that."

"I see." He picks up another slice.

I frowned at him. Tristan's lips quirks up into a smile. Removing my phone from my pocket, I opened it. Pressing the camera app. "Come let's take a picture together. I just realized we don't have pictures." I said, wriggling my fingers at him.

Tristan rolls his eyes. He slides over in the booth. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I leaned, my head against his chest. "One, two, three. Chocolates!"

Tristan smiles. My finger pressed down on the red button at the very bottom of the screen.

The phone goes off, capturing that moment.....

I did my best, with this chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Happy New Years. 😊

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