Chapter Fifteen

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Her heels clicks in the small sitting room. Tristan and I were hidden by the fridge so she wouldn't be able to see us as yet. Oh dear God what the hell I'm I gonna do. I can't allow Cathy to see Tristan in here.


"Answer!" Tristan whisper to me.

I shook my head.

"She'll realize that you're not in your room and she'll come in here. Answer!"

I didn't want that! Oh my God. I stared into the deep green pools of his eyes. "This conversation is not over." His eyes said. Clenching my hands into fists he steps away....

"There you are!" Cathy says coming into the kitchen.

My eyes widen in shock. Did she see Tristan?

"What are you doing anyways?" She asks frowning.

"Um....." I licked my lips, Tristan was sitting on the floor, his back was pressed to the cupboard. He waves his hands dismissively. How the hell did he do that?

"Is something on the floor?" Cathy asks.

"Uh......" Tristan face palms himself. I'm not good at lying. Oh dear God.... please help me.

"I was just.... you know.... uh....  talking...."

Tristan looks at me in horror. I slipped up. Oh God! Oh God! She is gonna know!

"Talking to who?" Cathy asked, narrowing her eyes. "You have company?"

"No! I mean..... I was talking to my.... uh imaginary friends." Seriously Tiana. That's the only thing you could come up with?

"Imaginary friends?" Cathy asked, quizzically.

My fingers twitched. I wanted to pull on my ears so badly. "Uh... my ex called!" Smooth blame it all on your ex.

"He did?"

I nodded vigorously.

"Right.... Tiana what the hell is going on? It's obvious you had some company." She steps closer, don't look down. Oh dear lord. I couldn't move, my feet were stuck. It's like I was getting sucked into the floor. "There is also a jacket belonging to a man hanging on the rack, also there is a sedan parked across the street."

Wow! You obviously choose the wrong major. Now now Tiana. Don't be a bitch.




No no no! I jumped in the way blocking Cathy. She looks at me suspiciously.

"Let's go have some pizza!"

Cathy folded her arms. Tapping her feet. Right now she was at least three inches taller than me. "You haven't answered my questions."

"Because they're silly..... nobody is here!"

"Then why the hell are you acting so funny?"

"You're just imaging things." Nice save! Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Tristan squeezed passed us. Did Cathy notice? No i don't think so. Cathy Cups my cheek, turning my head. Her lips were pursed.

"Tiana are you seeing someone?" She asks, her expression sad.

Why does she look so sad? I mean if I'm seeing someone that should be good besides she is the one that's always telling me that I needed to find myself a man.

I stared at her, she looks so much like Tristan, only her eyes were different. Cathy's cheeks turns a nice shade of red. She pivots herself, ready to head to the sitting area. I couldn't allow her to leave, if she did then she would only end up realizing that someone else was here.

Not just anybody, the brother she despises. I grabbed her arm, slamming her against the wall.

She gasped, her eyes wide. "T.... Tiana." She said breathlessly.

"Cathy.... I.... I....."

Please hurry and leave Tristan I can't hold her off much longer. Cathy's breathing was laboured as she stared at me. Her lips were parted.... her expression was one I've never seen before. This one was new. Cathy looked dazed.

What the hell is she thinking about anyways? I could just ask her but at the same time, I didn't want to break her concentration and besides Tristan was my priority right now.

Buzz! I jumped and so did Cathy.

"Oh! It's uh my phone...." She said awkwardly.

Should I move away? Or stay like this? Buzz. Cathy slid past me, she made sure that no part of her body touched me. Strange. I looked around the room.... the jacket on the rack was gone. I sighed in relief. Tristan has made it out safely good. I casually glided over the window.

Peeping outside. I was in time to see him slid behind the steering wheel. Closing his car door..... if only Cathy hadn't shown up I would be having some desert right now. I wanted to scream. I really wanted to have that hunk of a man on top of me tonight.

"What are you looking at?"

I grabbed the window handle, pulling it in i closed it. I turned to Cathy.

"Nothing was just closing the window."

She arches her eyebrow at me.

"So what was that all about?" I asked, trying to take the attention off myself.

"Just a text from my mother reminding me about that camping trip tomorrow. Oh she was wondering if you wanted to join us as well?"

"Mmm sounds good. I haven't been on a camping trip before so yeah sure." I said.

Cathy nods her head. Snaking my arm around her waist. I lean my head on her shoulder, she tenses.

"Come on let's go grab some pizza."

"Uh yeah sure..."

Will be posting two more chapters.... Might not be able to update tomorrow. Anyways thanks for viewing, pumpkins.

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