Chapter Twenty-Two

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I was a pro when it comes to hiding what I'm actually feeling. Vanessa stood in front of me... her red stained lips pulls into a smile. She was no longer the girl who I fell in love with. The Vanessa standing in front of me right now was pure plastic. I guess when you get hooked on certain things, you just can't live without it. Must have been a painful procedure....

Then again it's always been her dream to be a life size barbie doll so... congrats?
She was dressed in a yellow sun dress which hugged her "hourglass figure..."

"Vanessa." I said.

she smiles. "It's been so long! Jesus!" She sashay over, throwing her arms around my neck.

She pulls me into a hug... I stiffen. What the fuck? Vanessa presses a kiss to the corner of my mouth. Something crashes to the floor.

"I'm... sorry..." Tiana mumbles.

I pushed Vanessa away.

Martha clears her throat. "Vanessa what brings you here?" She asks.

Vanessa flips her hair. "Tony invited me on this camping trip."

"Oh how nice of him." Martha said, her words dripping with sarcasm.


Vanessa touches my thigh. "I've missed you." She said, squeezing my leg.

Oh you have? How sweet. Vanessa focuses all her attention on me, ignoring everyone else in the room.

"It's really good to see you, I've been searching high and low for you."

I wonder why.

She steps closer. "You just left all those years ago... without saying goodbye." She said, sadly. ".... I hope that you can forget about all that happened between Tony and I. It was just a mistake.... I was just feeling vulnerable and you weren't there, you were busy with PT. I needed to feel love and wanted so I fucked your cousin and for that I'm sorry."

Oh wow! Vanessa saying sorry. Never thought I would see this day. She must have heard about my bank account.

She touches my chest, her eyes moisten as she stares at me with those puppy dog eyes of hers. "... i.... I want us to reconcile!" She said.

Something else clatters to the ground. I turned. Tiana was kneeling on the floor, picking up the shards of glass. Her hair created a curtain around her face, so I couldn't see what her expression was like. She was really tense. I wonder why?

"Don't you remember the good times we used to have?" Vanessa asked turning my head to the side, so that I was looking into her eyes.

"Leave it! I'll deal with the shards. Go clean up your hands, breakfast will be served soon." Martha scolded Tiana.

I didn't hear Tiana respond. She just left the room. Great I'm guessing she is mad at me. I pushed Vanessa away.

"I have no interest whatsoever in getting back with you."

"Why not? We were good together! I don't see why we can't continue where we left off!" She said, in disgust. Now her true colors were showing. ".... I stood by you through sickness all those years ago! I deserve to get a share of what's in your bank account!"
Ah see I told you it is indeed my bank account.


'Couple days ago.

"Thank you for taking your time out to come down here." Marcus said, sitting down.

"Why did you invite him here? This matter does not concern him." Maxwell sneers.

"It does, Tristan is the heir to his mother's assets."

I tensed. "Assets?"

"Yes." Marcus removes a brown paper from his portfolio. ".... I called you and your family here to discuss your mother's will."

"That isn't possible... I thought my mother never had a will!" I said, clenching and unclenching my fists.

That's what Maxwell told me years ago.

"She does have a will. I tried getting in contact with you years ago... but well.... you disappeared off the face of the earth. Ms. Valdez alerted me of your return a week ago." Marcus replies, he slid his reading glasses on.

I was too flabbergasted to answer. So I sat there.

"There isn't much here. Miss Osaris.... left a letter for Ms Valdez, it's right here and everything else goes to her son."

"Everything?" My father roars in anger.

"Yes Sir everything." Marcus replies in a patient tone.

"You're joking right? My wife gets a fucking letter after all that she has done for that bastard! That boy has been a plague in our life for more than twenty years! Do you know how much money I had to pay for his hospital bills? Do you know...."


"You need to be more lenient sometimes!" He yells at her.

My father slams his hands down on the table. The glass of water at the front of the table, tumbles over. Crashing to the floor.

I tapped my fingers on the table.

Marcus pushes an envelope towards me. "She also left you a box.... the key is in the envelope with everything you will need to access her accounts." Marcus said, ignoring my father.

My father stomps over to me, seething with anger. "This is a fucking misunderstanding! This money belongs to....."

He didn't get to finish because security came, they dragged him out of the building. Kicking and yelling, cursing me.... under different circumstances it would have been funny. I raked my fingers through my hair as I stared at the yellow envelope.'

End of flashback

Vanessa squeezes my cheek, her eyes cold. "Are you even listening to me."

"Get outta my face!" I slapped her hands away. "... as I said earlier, I have no interest whatsoever in getting back with you..."

She stares at me unblinking. "... I always get what I want just remember that!" With that she turns, stomping out of the room.

The kitchen door slams behind her. I sighed, turning around on my seat, facing my mother's worried gaze. Without another word, I dug into my cold breakfast that now tasted like sandpaper.

How was that chapter? I hope it was good..... I've been feeling a little uninspired... 😪. Alright so... Have a goodnight or day and see you in the next chapter. I'm off to bed.

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