Chapter Thirty-Four

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"That shouldn't have happened." Tiana said, breaking the silence. We were currently lying in bed, trying to catch our breaths after what transpired between us.

"Probably shouldn't have happened, but I couldn't help myself." I said, opening the bedside draw I pulled out the spare pack of cigarettes.

"Why do you smoke?"

"Thought we were talking about what just happened between us." I said, fumbling around in the draw for my lighter.

Instead of answering me, she pulls the sheet over her head.

"I can stop anytime I want."

"Is that so?" She wriggles underneath the sheet.

"Yes.... I can stop myself. I'm not an addict." I said, curtly.

"I never said you were. I was just asking a question."

I flipped the box open. Staring at the cigarettes I sighed.

"Can I ask you another stupid question?"

"You already did."

"Stop being such a smartass." She said, hitting my thigh underneath the sheets.

I closed the box, placing it back inside the bedside draw.
"What is it My little sex kitten."

"Hey! I told you not to call me that!" She said, poking her head out.

"Suits you. Now your question."

"Why won't you remove your shirt?"

That was one question I was not expecting. I scratched my head, trying to come with a lie of some sort to tell her. I honestly thought she didn't notice.

"You don't have to answer. I was just wondering." She said, hiding back underneath the sheet. "Just so you know, I wouldn't judge you. I'll still like you."

I turned my head to the side, looking at her. "Couple years ago I ran away from home. Of course you know that already, Cathy or mom must have mentioned it to you." I took a deep breath before continuing. ".. after running away, I joined the army. It was my only means of survival. At that time I didn't have any money.... so i had to make ends meet. Anyways on my second tour, I got myself captured. It wasn't easy. My capturer tortured me morning noon and night... I was in pain every single day. I remember one day he broke my two arms, then the next day he broke my two legs. Long story cut short... when my comrades did rescue me I was close to dying. Chances of survival was twenty five to seventy five. I was in a coma for months. I can't really remember much from my days in the hospital." I squeezed my eyes shut, rubbing my temple. "I'm no longer the Tristan I was back then. My body is ruined Tiana. The doctors did the best they could to save the ruined flesh."

"I'm sorry."

I started to pull the buttons on my shirt one by one but she stops me. Taking my hand and kissing my knuckles.

"Thank you for telling me. I won't push you can show me, when you feel like you are ready."

I took a deep breath. "Why are you so nice to me?"

"B.... because I really like you. I.... I want to be apart of your life." She blurted out, her cheeks darkens.

I opened my eyes. Completely lost for words. I searched her eyes, for something I don't know anything... but her feelings were genuine. I swallowed hard. She crawled closer to me, straddling my lap. The sheets bunches up around her waist. "I know it's too early and I admit that I am shocked that I am already catching feelings for you. It took me an whole years to fall for my ex. But with you, I.... I can be myself around you. I don't have to pretend and you... you listen whenever I talk, You....." I kissed her, silencing her. She groans and kissed me back. Her lips parted slightly and I slid my tongue inside enjoying the taste of her sweet innocence. I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to my body. We kissed for five minutes only when we both needed air did we part. Tiana leans her head on my shoulder panting.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum