Chapter Ten

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Everyday I feel more and more discouraged. 😪


Three days later after being bed ridden, I was finally free from the evil clutches of my bed. Well I'm not completely free as yet, I was forcefully dragged to a family reunion.

I really and truly don't even know why I'm here! I'm not apart of the family. I am just a friend nothing more. Cathy clutch onto my arm and beams at me. "So what do you think?" This is the happiest I've seen Cathy since that day on the couch.... I cleared my throat before answering her.

"Gee Cathy I don't know. I think it would be better if I wasn't here." I said glaring at her.

"No..." She took a  sip of her wine, then continue. "Tiana we hardly hang out anymore. You're always busy with something." She said pouting.

"Ha! And so you drag me here to "hang out"." I made sure to use air quotes.

"Yes! I mean these things are boring as fuck... least you can do is suffer with me. Now come on. I don't want you to be the odd ball out so I'll introduce you to a couple of my family members." She placed her empty wine glass on the table against the stair case. Then she tightened her hold on my hand and dragged me through the crowd.

"Cathy my darling!" A woman dressed in red purred. Cathy's face lights up and she released me from her evil clutches and went to give the woman in the long flowing dress a hug.

"It's been such a while how have you been?" The lady asked. Her voice was husky. Just by looking at her I could see the arrogance.

"I've been fine. You really and truly should visit more often aunt Cynthia." Cathy said.

The woman gave her a warm smile.

"Oh! This is my friend Tiana." Cathy said stepping away. The lady looked me up and down and gave me a polite smile.

"Tiana. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said.

I probably didn't measure up to her standard. As if I'm a scoundrel or worse a wadded up piece of bubblegum underneath her expensive high heels.

I returned the polite smile and said in a fake cheerfulness. "Oh the pleasure is all mine."

The lady nods her head and turned back to Cathy. Talking to her as if I wasn't there. I rolled my eyes, turning around I made my way towards the bar, which was tucked in the very corner of the room. As I slid onto the barstool, the bartender smiled at me and gestures that he'd be with me in just a moment.

I nod my head and started to drum my fingers against the marble counter top. The bartender came over with a towel in his hand. "What can I do for you tonight?" He asked.

I've gotta admit the bartender is pretty handsome. He had that wild look about him and that dangerous smell. He was at least six feet tall, he had nicely cropped hair and a pair of chocolate colored eyes. He was lean, very slender he wasn't as bulky as Tristan. I shook my head. Why the hell am I even thinking about him! I raked my fingers through my hair, after that night in the alley I haven't spoken nor have I seen him.
I just felt awkward.... I mean what will I say to him whenever I see him again.

That night haunts me, I still remembered the feeling of his punishing grip on my hips as he slammed into me over and over. I squirmed on the chair.

Tiana stop it! Now is not the time to be having all these lewd thoughts.

"Gonna order or you changed your mind?" The bartender asks.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now