Chapter 29

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Dream Pov

I just finished my last class couple minutes ago now I'm heading home. I had amazing first day but I couldn't wait get home to my baby girl. I miss her so much and lord only knows what August have done my poor baby. After I parked the car in the garage I turned off and hung key back on wall. When I turned  around I saw August standing in door way holding Queen.

" I missed you and I'm so sorry I left you with your dumb ass daddy," Dream said taking Queen.

" What the hell," August asked looking at her crazy.

" I missed you too but I'm still mad you almost burnt my baby mouth," Dream said walking in house.

" It was mistake I didn't know but how was your first day," August asked sitting next Dream on couch.

" It was good I got little catching up to do but for most part your girl got it," Dream said smiling at August.

" I know you do but I got to go to trap house now and handle some stuff. I promise I won't be long okay I'm be back in couple hours," August said.

" Uhhhhhh," Dream said.

" Dont get mad you already know I got to do this," August said.

" I know it's okay I'm just going miss you and she going miss you too," Dream said.

" I promise I'll be back as soon as I can give me kiss," August said.

" I love you," Dream said breaking kiss.

" I love you both I'll see in few," August said kissing her forehead before leaving.

Once August left it was just me and my baby girl. I put her sleep and laid her on couch with blanket over her. After I did that I took out my notes from class today and just started going over them. Although eventually I got tired and decided to go upstairs. I then picked my baby up and laid her in bed next to me and then I went sleep.

August Pov

I love both my baby girls but I'm happy to be out the house for chance. I been in house all day everyday every since Dream gave birth. When I got to trap I handled business as usual and made sure everything was straight. Once I made sure that was good I lit blunt in my office and started thinking.

Lot shit has changed not just in my life but people around me too. Keith single father now because Amber left and fail off face of earth. Kentrell got two kids now and still with Cherish. I'm father now and I have baby girl with love of my life. It got me thinking do I still wanna do this forever.

Yeah I know my dad pasted this empire down me and I have expanded it but I just don't know. I never want this life catch up with me and make Dream single mother. I never want my daughter not grow up not knowing her dad. It's just lot shit on my mind right now and I got figure out what I wanna do.

I can already see having Queen has changed Dream as much as she try play like it didn't. She never once tried stop me from going to trap but today she did. She said it was cool but I know she wanted me stay home with her and baby deep down. Plus my baby girl in college now about get her business degree. Do I just want my kids to look at me like I'm thug nigga and their mom got degree and stuff.

It's just lot shit on my mind maybe I should give this shit up at some point. Dream and I got money to last zillion life times. We got billions under our belt maybe I should look into developing some more business. Hell I don't know I just let the thoughts keep rolling in my mind as I hit my blunt again.

Dream Pov

I had been sleeping for about three hours and I woke up when I heard crying. I looked over on side me and saw August was holding crying Queen. I didn't even hear or feel August get in bed but I damn near slept good.

" When you got home," Dream asked sitting up.

" Couple minute ago why what's up," August asked putting nookie in Queen mouth.

" Nothing I'm bout go shower and then I'm feed her when I get out," Dream said walking in bathroom and starting the shower.

Once the shower got hot I hopped inside and started relaxing my body under the water.

August Pov

Dream been in bathroom forever so I turned tv on ESPN. I just watched as Queen look up at me with her light brown eyes. She looks like me in every way with dash of her mom sorry say that but it's true. Although while I was holding her Dream phone vibrated on bed and I picked it up. I checked phone and it had some body name saved as Drift.

I unlocked her phone and looked at message and it said: If you wanna get started on them notes early I'll bring them to you hit me up.

I don't know who the fuck this is but why the fuck they texting Dream phone. I let my thoughts get best me for second so I laid Queen in her crib and walked in bathroom. When I got in the bathroom Dream only had on her underwear and sports bra. When she seen me she slipped her shorts on and looked up at me.

" What you could wait until I came out bathroom," Dream asked laughing.

" Who the fuck is Drift texting your phone," August asked showing her phone.

" First of all why you going through my phone," Dream asked snatching her phone.

" Thats not point who the fuck is Drift," August asked.

" First of all that is the point I don't go through your shit so why go through mine. You ain't have come cursing at me and ask me who the fuck this is. I'm not your child August and if must know he's only dude I meet today. He literally texting me about notes I need from last year to catch up in class," Dream said rolling her eyes and pushing past August.

" Wait look I'm sorry but I don't like thought no dude texting my girl phone," August said.

" Babe look at me I don't want him okay. He's just dude who's nice enough to give me his notes so I can catch up that's all. I would never hurt you like that I have to much love for you and child with you," Dream said grabbing August and kissing him.

" Good I wish I could have sex with you right now dude mad horny," August said kissing Dream.

" Four more weeks until I can have sex so either use lotion or get in shower your pick," Dream said kissing August cheek before walking out bathroom laughing.

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