Chapter 28

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Dream Pov

Besides from traffic being bitch in Miami I was able to get me some breakfast from McDonald's and make to school on time. When I got school I just parked and got out the car. I swear college way more complicated than high school so like any new college person I got lost. I was trying find my class but I didn't know what side it was on. Although I was snapped out of my thought when I heard someone talk.

" What," Dream said.

" Do you need help," the guy asked.

When I looked up I saw this fine ass guy light skin. His arms and neck from where I can see were neatly tatted up. He was dressed down with a nice clean cut fade and he had golds in his mouth with some big chains and diamond watch on his wrist sparkling.

" Ummm yeah I'm looking for business media class room 231," Dream said showing him her paper.

" That's Junior class you not freshman," the guy said.

" Kind of but then no it's my first year college but I classify as Junior because I had enough credits," Dream said.

" Dope I'm actually in that class you can follow me by the way I'm Drift," the guy said sticking his hand out.

" Drift huh," Dream said laughing.

" Yeah and what's your name," the guy asked as they walked.

" Dream," Dream said smiling.

" That's lovely name for bad ass girl," Drift said flashing that million dollar smile showing off his grills.

" What," Dream asked laughing.

" I mean that's such sweet name but I can tell you bad as hell I'm just saying," Drift said pretending to lean back and look at Dream ass.

" Look I appreciate everything but I got boyfriend Drift," Dream said laughing.

" Oh my bad say no more I apologize I'm really gentlemen you except my apology," Drift said.

" I guess as long as you don't hit on me anymore," Dream said as they walked in class.

When I got in class it was pretty chill but the teacher wasted no time. It wasn't like high school you chill on first week learn rules. It was you getting straight to business type of shit and I'm proud of myself because I was rolling.

Although some things I didn't know which made me mad but I mean I'm ahead. I guess I'm just have to do little catching up that's all. Drift was big help and he never once tried hit on me again after I told him I had boyfriend. A couple things I didn't know he explained it to me which I found funny.

Like Drift looks like straight thug ass nigga but he book smart. Right now Drift and I are leaving from our second class together to go lunch. We decided to just eat at Raisin Canes on campus but we went and sat outside to one of the table Outside in quad.

" So where you from," Dream asked.

" Inglewood," Drift said.

" Inglewood California," Dream asked eating.

" Yeah pretty much the hard truth ghetto," Drift said.

" Then how you got to Miami," Dream asked.

" Got family out here but what about you," Drift asked.

" I was born in the Dominican and moved here when I was ten years old," Dream said.

" I heard about yall foreign chicks y'all crazy as hell," Drift said laughing.

" Well if you don't test us Latinos we won't go ham," Dream said laughing.

" Cool cool but your phone ringing," Drift said reaching Dream her phone off table.

" Thanks I'll be right back," Dream said getting up and walking away to answer her phone.

" Hello," August said into phone.

" What's up," Dream asked.

" How long do I warm her bottle in microwave because I did for like minute and she won't drink it," August said.

" Omg I'm kill you I swear you probably burnt my baby mouth. I don't warm her bottle what's your problem," Dream said about have heart attack.

" Then how you heat it up then Dream," August asked.

" August run bottle under the hot water for minute then give it to her. The microwave in our house get to hot I swear you burnt my baby mouth," Dream said shaking her head.

" Okay look I'm sorry I'm new to this she pretty much went back sleep after you left then woke up crying. It was almost her feeding time so I tried to feed her," August said.

" It's cool just dump that bottle out it's not good and give her new one run it under the hot water for minute," Dream said.

" Okay I got you but how day been so far," August asked.

" Good but I'll talk you when I get home, go feed my damn child August," Dream said before hanging up and walking back over to table.

" You good," Drift asked as she sat back to the table.

" Yeah," Dream said sitting her phone back on table.

" Who's this," Drift asked referring to her home screen.

" My daughter," Dream said smiling.

" You lying you don't have no kids," Drift said laughing.

" Yes I do her name Queen why is that so hard to believe," Dream asked.

" Because I mean look at you your body it doesn't scream mom no disrespect or anything. How old is she Dream she look young in that picture," Drift asked.

" She's twenty days old," Dream said.

" You lying so you telling me you look this fine no disrespect and your baby only twenty days old," Drift asked.

" Yes," Dream said laughing.

Well it almost took the whole lunch to convince Drift that my daughter was actually my daughter. He wouldn't believe that Queen was my daughter for no reason. Although when he finally did he told me how cute she was and I appreciate that. He's really cool dude and he even said he give me his notes from last year so I can catch up tomorrow. After all that we exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.

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