Chapter 3

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August Pov

As soon as I got that call from Kid I wrapped business up in Atlanta early and got on next flight out. When I landed back in Miami I headed straight to the trap with K-Dog to meet up with Kid. Benzo don't know what shit he just started. I'm going have him begging me for dear life and that's on god.

" Now run me through what exactly happened when he took Dream," August asked sitting behind his desk.

" Adrian told me her and Dream was just in her restaurant talking. Then all of sudden gun shots went off and glass shattered every where. When they didn't hear shots no more they stood up to leave and Benzo and his dudes showed up.

Dream made sure Adrian got out and then Benzo took her. I went to restaurant and their was no blood or anything no sign of hurt. I got someone to clean place and fix windows too. It looks like nothing happened but I did find letter," Kid asked.

" Where's the letter then give it to me," August said clenching his jaw.

" Here man I'm sorry," Kid said reaching him the paper.

What's up Ace or should I say August did you really think I would've just given up, I'll do anything to destroy you and get to the top and take your place. I've always admired Dream from day one I laid eyes on her. Nice brown skin fine ass little chocolate drop and that ass boy but I'm getting besides myself.

Anyways Dream seems to be the only person you care about so I got her. She's mine now and damn I can't wait to get my hands on that. You got fifty hours to turn over everything or never see Dream again Ace. Although I will let my boys and myself have some fun with her for while until then.

~ Benzo your daddy nigga 😘

" I'm going to kill that dude if it's the last thing I do," August said balling the paper up.

" Let's get your girl back then and finish this once and for all," K-Dog said.

" Yeah we gone get my best friend back she strong and you know that," Kid said walking out office.

Dream Pov

OMG my head hurt like hell I thought to myself as I woke up. Although I was confused on where I was when I finally opened my eye. I tried to sit up but something was holding me back, I was chained down by my arms and legs.

" What the fuck is going on," Dream said struggling.

I couldn't see nothing it was pitch black and I was freezing like hell. That's when everything came back to me. I was in my restaurant it got shot up and I made Adrian run. I just hope she didn't bitch out and she did what the hell I told her.

" FML," Dream said to herself laughing.

After I said that I saw the door open and the lights were cut on allowing me to see that I was in someone's basement. When I looked up I saw guy with bag and bottle water.

" Benzo told me to untie you and feed you. If you try anything I'm kill you understood," the guy said.

" Okay," Dream said.

He was skinny dude smaller than me so once he untied me I head butted him and took his gun off his pants. I then turned around and shot him twice in head. I tried to run out the room but before I could make it up the stairs five dudes with gun came down. I'll rather die trying get the fuck out than be someone bitch .

I kept shooting watching bodies fall. I killed all five guys and ran upstairs and was almost to door when I felt shock and fell to ground shaking. You never can be easy can you I was just trying feed you. Yet you make things so hard Dream you are such beautiful girl. Anyways drug her again and let's try this again tomorrow," Benzo said.

" Don't fucking touch me stop drugging me get off me. I'm going fucking kill your dum ass I hate you I'm kill you bitch," Dream screamed kicking and scratching as she got drugged.

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