Chapter 15

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Dream Pov One Week Later

It's been week and we had an amazing time out in Jamaica for my daddy birthday. We got to do lot fun stuff besides fuck and sleep and I loved it. We went swimming with pigs and we got to go to glow in dark beach at night. Okay we had sex on glow in dark beach but that's besides the point okay.

Anyways we landed back in Miami last night and its back to business as usual. Thank god our empire didn't burn down without us. It finally showed August we can take Week off and chill sometime at least. Plus why we was in Jamaica Cherish went into labor but she had some complications.

I literally cried my eyes out for hours on last day trip when Amber called and told me that. They said she wouldn't stop bleeding and she had have emergency Surgery after delivering the baby. Although the reason she bleed so much is because she tore really bad and she had second baby inside her.

It's very rare but second baby was hiding behind the first one so doctor couldn't see it. She had have emergency C-Section to get second one out. Plus she also had have three blood transfusions because she lost so much blood. Cherish still in hospital so we going go see her and babies today. August and I just finished getting dress so we about head out.

" You ready," August asked.

" Yeah lets go but after we have go to trap and handle some stuff," Dream said.

" Already know business as usual baby girl," August said kissing her while opening door for her.

Once August opened the car door for me I hopped in Range and connected my Bluetooth. Once that was done he got in on driver side and we took off to hospital. Although on way to hospital we didn't eat so we stopped and Subway and got some breakfast. By time we was both done eating we was at hospital. Kentrell texted August they in room 212 on second floor so that's where we headed. We knocked first and Cherish said come in so we walked in.

" Hey C," August said hugging her.

" Hey A What's-," before Cherish could finish Kentrell walked in nervous as hell.

" Yo August I got talk to you outside," Kentrell said.

" Aight I'm be right back," August said kissing Dream on head before walking out.

" Hey how you feeling," Dream asked hugging Cherish.

" Sore and in pain but at same time grateful like I have kind of different mind set now. Like I didn't even know I was pregnant with twins. I just thought I was having baby's boy but when they told me I had second baby in me I could have cried.

At first they was like it's you or second baby and I choose baby Dream. I could t live and let my baby die because of me because I didn't know. So when I woke up our surgery I thought my baby had died but she didn't. She fighter just like her mama," Cherish said picking up crying baby girl.

" Awwww she so precious they don't look to much different ," Dream said picking up baby boy.

" I know some times I have check their private to see which one which," Cherish said.

" How I knew your mind set didn't change that much your ass stupid but what's their names," Dream asked.

" Kari Brandon Smith and Kai Brianna Smith," Cherish said.

" Awwww so cute Kari and Kai let me hold her," Dream said switching babies with Cherish.

" You noticed something about them," Cherish asked.

" Yeah they both got that same birth mark right on side of their nose," Dream said laughing.

" Yup I think they got from their daddy," Cherish said laughing.

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