2- Your Failing My Class

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Madison's POV

Right now, I had last period. Gym. Ms.Moscato wasn't in today so we didn't have to change.

"I wonder who will be our gym sub for today." Lauren says, her eyes glued to her phone.

"I think it would be Mrs.Ferguson." I reply, taking a seat on the bleachers with Lauren.

"She always covers for-" I couldn't finish my sentence. I was too focused on something else.

Or should I say someone else.


"Good afternoon, ladies." He shouts, making the girls giggle and twirl their hair. I roll my eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them pounced on him.

"Since Ms.Moscato is out and Ms.Ferguson is busy grading tests, I will be your sub today." Girls cheer with excitement as Mr.Mahone smiles.

"I don't know what you girls play, so you can take out your phone or work instead. If you girls need anything, I will be in the office, grading tests."

With that, he walks away from the bleachers and into the gym office. God, he was so handsome! I just want to smash my lips against-

"Earth to Madison." Lauren shouts, waving her hand vigorously in front of my face. I immediately knock my thoughts about Mr.Mahone from my head, my cheeks flaming.

Well, isn't this embarrassing?

"What's with you doing that lately?" Lauren questions, suspicion roaming her eyes.

"Doing what lately?"

"That zoning out crap. Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine, Lauren."

"Are you sure? You always do it. And then when I finally get your attention, you're always blushing and-- wait a minute." I look at her strangely.

Lauren smirks, leaning her arm on the bleacher above us. "Who's the guy?"

"What?!" I question "There is no guy!"

Lauren laughs, shaking her head. "Stop with the lies, Madison. I know your seeing someone. Your cheeks say it all."

"No, Lauren. I'm not seeing anyone."
But there is someone in mind.

"Okay, keep telling lies. I'll find out this mystery boy myself." I just roll my eyes.

Why would I ever think about having someone in mind? Clearly, I was talking about Mr.Mahone. But that's the problem. He's my damn teacher! Why am I getting these type of feelings for someone I can't even be with? He can lose his job! And he always talks about how he loves it!

"Ms.Claire?" I hear a very low and husky voice call out my name. My stomach swirls as I stare up and into his hazel looking eyes with specks of blue.

"Y-yes?" I stutter, looking at him like he's the most attractive guy on earth. I mentally face palm myself.

Really, Madison? He's your damn teacher! Not some attractive male stripper you can eye rape!

I wouldn't mind that though. I wouldn't mind if he also starred in Magic Mike- okay, Madison! Chill!

"Can I have a word with you in the office for a minute?" I looked over at Lauren. She just shrugs, looking back at her phone.

Questions kept flying through my head as I got up from my seat and followed him into the office.

"Did I do something wrong? Was the first thing that blurts out my mouth, once we enter the office.

"Of course not." Mr.Mahone says with a chuckle. A smile makes it's way on his face.

That smile will be the death of me.

"Take a seat, Ms.Claire." Mr.Mahone says, pointing to a leather office chair. I sit as he plops himself on top of the desk.

Looking up at Mr.Mahone, I look into his gorgeous eyes, waiting for him to start talking.


"Sorry for interrupting you but, you know you can call me Madison. I really don't like my last name." I really hate it. It's just so-- I don't know.

"Why don't you like it?" He questions. "I think it's a beautiful last name."

My cheeks flame as a smile spreads across my face. Was he seriously trying to kill me?!

"Anyways Ms.- Madison." I chuckle.

"Do you know you're failing my history class? I look down at the floor, embarrassed.


But it's not my fault! You distract me with your attractiveness!

"Okay. Well, did you know there was a way to bring your grades up?" I shake my head no.

"All you'll have to do is spend four days each week with me after school. During those four days each week, we will go over the lessons learned and any homework your missing. Sounds good?."

If it involves being alone with you, he'll yes.

"Good? We will begin next Monday, understand?" Mr.Mahone sternly says.

"Madison, your one of my favorite students. I wouldn't want to see you in summer school."

I was his favorite student--- this technically means were married!

"Okay Mr.Mahone, next Monday." I say with a smile as I get up off the chair.

"Great! Your a pretty smart girl, Madison. Just study more." I nod my head, exiting the office to make my way back to Lauren.

"How'd it go?" Lauren questions. I didn't answer.

I was too busy on thinking about how I get to spend time with him.

My Teacher, Mr.Mahone (Austin Mahone)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang