My Teacher, Mr.Mahone (Austin Mahone)

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Madison's POV

'I can't like him! I can't like him!'
I thought as I sit on my desk, staring at the most attractive person I have ever laid my eyes on.

It's just, everything about him is attractive!

His gorgeous hazel eyes with specks of green, his brown curly hair pushed back to the side, his pink plump soft looking lips and his smile.

His smile was to die for.

"Okay, Any Questions" He asks the class as he places the chalk down on the board. He rolls up his white button down sleeves to his elbows.

The room stayed silent. "Okay then, moving on" He picks up the piece of chalk and started to write once again.

Yes, the person who I found so attractive was my teacher. His name is Mr.Mahone.

I knew I couldn't like him and I know there won't be a relationship between us but, he has something that gets me feeling this kind of crazy vibe.

"Okay class, I will see you guys tomorrow. Make sure you study for tomorrow's quiz. It will be a big score towards your grade."

Huh, I been too busy admiring Mr.Mahone, I didn't even hear the bell ring' I thought as I gather my belongings and shove them into my bag. I stand up from my chair and make my way towards the exit.

"Madison, wait!" I hear Mr.Mahone Shout before I can take a step out of the room. I turn on my heels and face him.

"Yes Mr.Mahone?" I say, walking up to his desk.

"Can you please bring these to room 217? I'm late to another class I have to teach." He asks, checking his watch.

'Even his voice was attractive!'

"Sure Mr.Mahone." I Respond with a smile. "Thank you!" He places three text books into my arms. Our fingers brush. His touch made my stomach swirl.

'Madison Stop! It's Not Right!'

I sigh, turning around to finally exit the class.

"Oh, Madison, have a good day." He throws me a smile.

"Thank you" I say, my cheeks growing hot. See, all he said was thank you and I get worked up!

Stopping in front of room 217, I spot Ms.Angelo teaching. I knock on the door, stopping her from doing so. Catching her attention, she stops what she's doing and opens up the wooden door.

"Oh hello, Madison. You need anything"

"No. Mr.Mahone just sent me here to give you these." I hand her the textbooks. "He was running late to another class."

"Thank you, Madison. I really needed these."

"Your Welcome" she smiles and bids me a goodbye before shutting the door. It was now time to head to class.

For my math class, I had Mr.Cola. He was known for making students fall dead asleep. Each and every day. He seriously needed to retire.

Entering the classroom where my math class was being held, Mr.Cola's attention turns away from the board to the entrance of the class where I was now standing.

"Ms.Claire, nice of you to join us." Mr.Cola Says in his monotone voice. I make my way to the back of the room and take a seat next to Lauren.

Lauren and I are really close friends. We would tell each other anything ! We've been best friends since freshman year. We were now seniors. She's the only one I can trust with my secrets.

"Hey, Madison" she whispers as Mr.Cola's back faces us. Guess she didn't want to get caught.

"Hey Lauren." I whisper back, taking out my binder as I speak. "Know what were learning about?"

"I don't even know. I'm too busy, texting Ryan." She states, waving her phone under the table. I roll my eyes, placing my head in my hands.

To Be Honest, I wasn't paying attention to Mr.Cola either.

I was too busy dreaming about him.


Sometimes, I wish I wasn't a student.

My Teacher, Mr.Mahone (Austin Mahone)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora