He then moved his team into position and waited.

"Vince, keep still one of our targets is right above you". 

Jayla moves slowly on her stomach towards him and jumps him and puts him in a sleep hold and he falls asleep, 

"Vince your target has been eliminated". 

 Nate shook his head, he knew she took care of it. 

 Just before morning, Jayla's team take on gun fire, 

"Fire back".

 Nate held his breath; her team was on the front line. 

"Team fox is taking on gun fire, they have heavy artillery". 

Nate didn't like what he heard but he couldn't do anything, he had to keep his team safe. 

 "We are taking to on to much gun fire, fuck that was close !Grenade! move". Then there it was total radio silence... Nate started to panic on the inside. 

"Team fox, team fox". 

"This is team fox, corporal Vince, we have casualties and one dead". He is thinking, why hasn't Jayla answered... "We will get to you as soon as we can we are on our way".  Nate started to move his team towards fox teams location, he looked at Vince then around he could see four injured plus one dead, he saw Jayla, over the dead body she had tried to resuscitate him, she is covered in blood, he thought she had been injured... She looks at Nate... 

"It's not my blood". She tells him...

 "Okay we need to get the wounded out then to regroup and come up with a new plan".  Jayla's team had fallen back to regroup, she is talking to Nate while looking at a Map, it is just them two... 

"Jayla, are you alright?". 

 "Nate, I'm fine",

 "I thought.....".

 "Don't say it, I'm still here, right what's the plan now?".

 "Darlin, you got guts". He smiled at her she smiled back... 

 "I need guts to be married to you"... Nate laughed he touched her hand... 

"My team are going to flank them, I want you to move forward more". He tells her...

 "Okay, Major Sir, I love you". 

 "Love you too, be careful".

Jayla takes her team closer. 

"Team fox are in position, and waiting for orders". 

 "Move closer". Nate orders...

 "The enemy as spotted us".... They take on heavy gun fire... Jayla, gets out her sniper scope and puts it on her rifle she lays flat on her stomach and take aim, this is what Jayla has been trained for... "Team fox fire"... Nate could hear Jayla... "Come on you fucking asshole show yourself, and you can kiss my ass"... Nate is thinking he's already kissed her lush ass... "I have the target in my sight"... She pulls her trigger and boom... "Target has been eliminated"... Nate was relieved that she knew what she was doing... "Spotted next target, we have a sniper on the roof, he is aimed at my team, come on show yourself you mother fucker"... Nate was listening to her foul mouth and thinking that is no Lady. He heard two-gunshots and then; "Target one and two are eliminated". 

"Fall back to base"... Nate tells them...

They are back at base and having something to eat... Jayla is changing from her bloodied clothes, Nate doesn't like the fact that they all have to change together, well he doesn't like anyone looking at his wife... He walks over to her and sits on her cot... "Nate, I've seen that look before, and your sat on my bed".

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