Chapter 27 "Memories"

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Zara's POV

I rocked my head back and forth, dancing around my room like a madman. My earbuds were on full blast, blaring a song from Sleeping With Sirens.

My hair wiped back and forth with my head, jumping around my room and throwing my arms in different directions.

The sudden yanking of one of my earbuds brings me from my lyrical high.

"Wow, you have some moves." A familiar voice said. I open my eyes to see Abby standing in the doorway of my room.

"Aunt Abby!" I squeal and she smiles, running up to her to bring her into a hug.

"Hey, baby Zar." She said, squeezing me in a hug.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in Australia by now."

Abby was probably the most carefree person I've ever met, next to me. She's twenty-six and travels the world by herself. I aspire to be like her once I'm out of high school.

"Well I was, but I missed you." I squealed and pulled her into another hug.

"Oh my god, this is great! I finally have someone cool to hang out with." I smile widely and Abby chuckles.

"That hurts." I heard my mother say as she walked in from behind Abby. "I can't believe you don't think I'm cool."

A wash basket filled with clothes sat on her hip and she was wear  a shirt that showed off her growing bump. That's right, she started showing a couple days ago.

"You're my mother, you're never cool." I joke, sitting on my bed.

"Yeah, alright." She rolled her eyes before exiting my room.

Once she was gone, Abby closed the door and sat on my bed next to me, staring at me expectantly with a smirk.

"What?" I chuckle, sitting back against my headboard.

"So, tell me about life. I haven't seen you in ages, we need to catch up."

I roll my eyes. "There isn't much to tell."

As the words left my mouth, the sounds of something rattling could be heard from outside. A couple second later, Finn opened the window and climbed through.

"You really need to keep a latter out for me or someth-" He stopped talking when he turned around and noticed Abby sitting on my bed. "Whoops, didn't know you had a company." He chuckled nervously, shpving his hands in his jean pockets.

Abby turned to me, her eyes wide with a smirk on her face. "A hot boy crawls through your window and you tell me there's nothing to tell?" She whispers, making me give her the Shut-The-Fuck-Up look.

She stands and reaches her arm out towards Finn. "Hi, I'm Abby, her aunt."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Finn." He replied with his charming smile, grabbing her hand and shaking it. "I didn't know you had an aunt." Finn said to me.

"I actually have three, two biological and one is a close friend of my parents." I inform him and he throws his hands up in the air.

"Well, I feel excluded." He jokes, sitting down my bed next to me.

Abby quickly takes her seat back on my bed and stares at us expectantly.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

She's starting to creep me out.

"So, are you guys together?" She asked abruptly, causing my eyes to grow wide.

Mistakes to RepeatDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora