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Author POV.

Two hours earlier...


BOTH Jackson and Jinyoung yells out after Jisoo got shot and falls to the near cliff.

Jackson immediately hits BamBam on the head,and the boy fell to the ground,unconscious. Both Jinyoung and Jackson,run down to the cliff and saved Jisoo.

Luckily, she's still breathing, and has consciousness.

"S-save h-he-rr.." She whispered towards Jackson's ear.

"Later. We have to bring you to the hospital, first!" Jinyoung replied in a panicking voice.

"I'm just fine. G-go...h-help h-he-rr."

But they follows their mind. They bring her to the hospital. And when she got admitted..after the short surgery,Jackson talk to Jinyoung.

"Go to Lavender's company. Tell them about the situation." Jackson said in a rush tone.

They don't have time. Lavender must have to survived.

"Okay. But...how would I tell them? Who I would meet there to be trusted with this?" Jinyoung replied him.

Jackson think for a while. Then,he smiled.

"Find Kim Taehyung. I heard Jennie,talking about that name and he is connected to Lavender." He said.

Jinyoung nods and began his task. He must hurry to make sure that she's gonna be live longer.


Present time.

Justine, Taehyung, Jimin,Jin,and Jinyoung.. went to the address where Elaine brought Lavender.

Upon reaching the place,they all felt sad,mad,angry,hatred..when they saw Lavender already lying unconscious on the ground,naked.

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