05- Getting Closer

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"What is wrong with you? What are you planning to do?" I asked Jihoon one at a time.

I really don't understand him. Sometimes... I understand why he was doing this but I can't take it anymore!

He is so stubborn!

And he really got on my nerves!

"What are you talking about?" He asked me innocently.

He was fixing his clothes to his closet. Bringing to a place to another. Back and forth. He place his shirts on a corner,then...bring it back to its place a while ago.

I'm shaking my head while watching him,not knowing where the right side he place those branded clothes he treasured the most.

"I'm just saying this once,Jihoon. And I didn't repeat it anymore.."I said with sincerity in my voice.

He turned his head to look at me.

"Stop being rude to him. He is living with us. He is still a human being. No matter who he is! No matter where he came from! So please,stop your stubbornness! I'm warning you!" I said deeply.

He didn't talk back. He were just staring on me like he wants to say something but he was hesitated.
Then...he sigh.

Meanwhile... Justine were leaning his back behind the close door. His two arms placing inside his pants pockets while looking down to his feet at the ground floor.

Those words from her,makes him somehow feels warm inside his heart.
He's really thankful. Elaine were the one who saves him from death.

He smiled,then..he walks away on that spot going into his own room and do his paperwork that didn't had done a while ago in the office.


×Back to Elaine×

Right when I got outside the room,I saw him walks away. I sigh. And I feel empty.

Seeing him like that way,make my heart broken into pieces.
Those hurtful eyes,I can see it,even he was hiding it everytime by his smiles. I heard him laughs,but it is not as it is...its a chuckles to be exact.

I really wants to help him but,my feelings towards him preventing me to do it. I don't want him to go far away from me.

What if...he has a wife? Because when I saw him,there's a wedding ring on his necklace.
I hide it in a jewelry box. I don't want him to see it,and remembered all his past and his real life and go back to her...

Just call me greedy..calls me selfish, I can accept it. Because I,myself knows that also as I was thinking all of this.

I got inside my room,and prepared to bed.


Next day..

I was in my office at the company. As usual,I was filing some papers on my desk when a knock on the door,makes my head looks up for a bit before I said,'Come in' .

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