17- Investigate

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Elaine were busy cleaning her desk when a knock on the clinic door was heard.
Upon she said 'come in' ,the person came inside and she became uneasy.

"You're here. Come and have a sit."she said,pointing to the chair across from her chair.

The man sit and stared at her.

"So,what we have here,detective Jang?"she asked him,with nervousness inside her for what she have to find out.

"Well...its only the common,things..."he said.

"Just tell me."she said eagerly.

"Nathan Ramirez. The grandson of Don Francisco Ramirez. Nathan had a twin brother. And--- He had a girlfriend, named Kesha Madrigal."he said.

"Twin brother? Kesha Madrigal?"she asked while her eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes. Kesha Madrigal were Nathan's girlfriend. No,wait...ex....girlfriend, I should say."he replied.

She got curious about that Kesha girl.
She straighten her sit and asked the detective.

"Do you have any other informations about that Kesha?"she asked more and more curious.

"I don't. I have to go to Canada to find out."he replied made her eyebrows crashed together.

"What do you mean?"she asked.

"Nathan and Kesha,grows up in Canada."he replied.

She nods her head.
After a while,the detective said his goodbye.

Meanwhile,Elaine left filled with curiousness. Her mind keep asking herself about Nathan and Kesha. But how can she answered her own questions?!


Yugyeom were now walking on the lobby,when he run into Yerin.
He waved and greet her,but she's look so down,she didn't replied him.

"What's wrong with her?"he asked himself,as his gaze following Yerin,while she was walking away.

When he get in the office,he stopped before he finally opened the door,when he heard Justine,talking to someone.

"Just find it all. All about them,their family and their past. I feels that something Yugyeom didn't telling me."

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