15 - Meeting You.

44 9 1

+ Justine +

"Nathan!" One of them blurted out.

Nathan. That name,was familiar.
Yes,that name!


"Nathan!" A man's voice was heard.

When I looks up,a man were standing in front and I can hit him. As fast as I could,I turned the car and stop to the left corner.


Remembered that incident,made my head hurt again.
I closed my eyes,groaning in pain as I held my head with my two hands.

"Sir...are you okay?"Yugyeom asked me while running towards me.

"Y-yeah. I'm just okay. Its just- my head is hurting again."I replied.

"Geez. I told you,already to go to the hospital and have a checked-up!"he scolded me.

I hissed upon the pain were vanished and stared at him..a little bit annoyed.

"Geez. How many times did I told you also,that don't nags at me,you're not my father?! Nor my brother or what?! You're getting old,easily with your nagging!"I fired back.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm just concern about you! Since that fetus never cared for you just once!"he fired back again.

I laughs on that.
Yeah. That kid,geez!

Someone cleared their thoughts and that's when I remembered that we had a guest.

"S-sorry,hyung..."I bowed down my head towards Taehyung.."my head suddenly hurt,that's why"

"It-its okay. Sorry for what he said. He was just-"

"Its okay. Who are they,anyway?"I asked him,widely smiling.

"Oh- they were my hyungs. He is Seokjin Kim;the oldest ,Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon,and Park Jimin.."he introduced them one by one from the left to the right.

I Miss You { Missing Piece 2} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now