19 = The Necklace

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When I come home,I immediately went inside my room and laid to my bed.
When I remembered the necklace,I jolted up from the bed and get down to the floor.
I bend down and get the huge jewelry box under the bed.

But when I unlocked it,the crystal jewelry box were not there.
I scattered to the floor all the things inside the jewelry,and look for the box. But its not really there.

I look into the drawers,but not there also.
I think of place that maybe I misplaced it,but there's nothing else than into my jewelry boxes.

"Jihoon!"I blurted and went out of my room and went to Jihoon's room.

I knock on the door but no one is answering.
When I turn open the doorknob,no one is there inside.

But when I remembered what he said this morning,I sighs deeply.
He told me,that he will come home late because he and his friends were having a party tonight.
So,he will come home drunk or worser than that.

I went back to my room,and sit in front of the mirror.
I stared on the mirror,and deeply in thought.

What if Jihoon,took the necklace?!
What if he took it and gave it to Lavender?!
No! That's not supposed to gonna be happen!


My sixth glass of wine.
So what if I'm underage? I want to get drunk and forget all my stressful thoughts. Most especially that necklace.

N loves L.

Nathan,her husband..he really loves her!
But why did Elaine had the necklace?!

*Pabo! Isn't it obvious?! Justine is Nathan!*

"Jihoon. What are you doing here?"

I turned my head behind me and I saw Jimin hyung.
He sits beside me and ordered a glass of wine.

"So,why were you drinking ,alone?"he asked me.

"Mm...just feel to drink. How 'bout you,hyung?"I asked him,trying to hold my urge to ask about the necklace.

"Mm...same with you. I just wanted to be alone for a while. Taehyung is somehow...you know,something is bothering him."he replied and take a gulp on his wine.

I wants to asked him,if he knew something about the necklace..but- I was afraid on his answers. Afraid that may be I was right. I was right that Justine would be Nathan. And I don't wants that to happen. To let him go back to where he belong,to be back together with Lavender.

I was back to reality when he talk again.

"Seems like, you are in deep thought. What is it? Tell me,maybe I can help?"he asked smiling at me.

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