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Justine POV

It's been two days,since she was been my Assistant Secretary. And I admit to myself, that I was affected on her presence.
Most especially,when I remember the words Taehyung hyung told me before,when I met him with his friends.

"It's look like him,her husband."

Those words,made me feels like I were the one they were talking about.
That I was her husband,Nathan. Everytime,she looks at me,and everytime that our eyes met,I've felt like electrified. The electrical feeling,inside my body...when she smiles at me...the way she gives me butterflies feels into my stomach,is something bothering me,these few days.

When I was home,and I was deep in thought,when Jihoon and Elaine talks to me,i see her instead of them,somewhat made me feels uncomfortable and sleepless nights.

The affections,she was giving inside me...were so unbearable. I feels uncomfortable,when she was just around,cleaning the office. Everytime she was near me,made me breatheless. I feels the connection we have. I feels the electrical magnet between us...when she was in front of me..made us stares to each other then looks away,awkwardly.

And the day,Elaine visited to the office,where she have seen us,so close to each other...when she had comeback after she sent Elaine outside...the words she told me and the answer I replied her,keep on lingering onto my mind. Made me think deeply and guess some other inappropriate reasons behind my answer,which makes me mad to my own self.

"Your lucky to have her. She was caring towards you. She was uncomfortable with my presence being with you. Made her feels jealous."she said.

I raised my head,staring at her confused and questioned.

"What are you talking about?"I asked her,my eyebrows narrowing as I was looking to her.

"Ms. Elaine. She was your partner,right? "She asked replying to me.

I shakes my head..

"No. She's not. She wasn't my partner or the call, 'girlfriend' nor 'wife'. She's the one who helped me,when I was in battle of death."I replied.

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