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        I was worried about Erza. But I had to have faith in her, and focus on the task at hand. I knew I could trust her to defeat any opposition we might face. I turned toward the kids.

      "Okay, I'll show you the way out. Please follow me, and listen to everything I say. We're going to make it out of here!"

       One girl, no older than eight, stepped up to me and grabbed my hand. She looked at me with the eyes full of pain and sorrow beyond her years. There was fear in her eyes, but it was overshadowed by fiery determination. 

      She had touched me. I wasn't ready for it. I hissed and pulled back my hand. Oh crap, I hope I didn't scare her, or the others. But to my surprise, they were looking at me with sadness in their eyes. They seemed to be thinking "she really was one of us...she looked like she had so much hope, but now.."

    But I was wrong. The girl shook her head at me in disappointment. "If you want to help us escape and be free, then you're going to free yourself too." she said firmly. 

     My eyes widened. She grabbed my hand again. How could one so young, have so much wisdom? She was right. How could I claim to be rescuing them, when I was still trapped here myself, held captive by the pain and memories of my past. But I had no control over them! It wasn't my fault! 

      She wasn't letting go. I felt panic rising up inside me. I knew the others could see it on my face. We were running out of time! But what was the point... I never really escaped. Why not just stay? My vision began to blur. I would have given up, but I was saved by those I was supposed to be saving.

      A girl my age took my other hand, while one who looked at least 19 put her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "Akita." She said, kindly but firmly, "You have come here to rescue us. We owe you our lives. I can't imagine how difficult that must have been, to come back. Thank you. Now, we can return the favor. We aren't going to hurt you! Open your eyes and see that we aren't frightening at all! Akita, I remember you, and I'm not the only one. You have brought us so much hope!  Every girl here understands how you feel right now, we know that it hurts. But you can break free! So lets all escape together, and really put this place behind us!{"

      I was ashamed. I came here, trying to be brave and strong. Trying to be the hero. But in the end I was too weak. They came to my rescue. I shook off my thoughts. I'm not going to waste this chance. I owe it to them! 

      "Thank you," I whispered, then raised my voice to a shout, full of fiery hope, "Lets all escape together, lets claim the lives we deserve, the world we've earned through our suffering! Come on!" 

      Still clutching onto the two girls' hands, I ran out into the hall. Everyone followed, full of life and energy. As we sprinted along the steel corridors, I kept an eye out for Erza. Though she was nowhere to be seen, we met no guards or adults, so she must be doing her job. Finally, we made it outside. Though I had been outside for a long time, I still felt the thrill of freedom. I breathed in the outside air, filled with joy. 

       Most of the other girls had never been outside. Many of them fell to their knees, crying with joy and relief. They took in the air, the grass, the stars, the sky. I let them stay like that, they needed time to adjust. Besides, I wasn't going anywhere without Erza. Time passed, and many of the older kids had already went their seperate ways, often taking younger members of their group with them. I didn't try to stop them, it's what I would have done. 

      An hour went by, then another. Now only about 20 girls, younger than me, remained with me. I buried my head in my hands. What if she never came out? I heard an excited shout from the others. I looked up sadly. I wiped the tears from my eyes, then stood up, gasping with shock and happiness. It was Erza! She was beaten and tired, but looked very satisfied. I ran forward and tackled her, holding her tight to me, sobbing into her shirt. She stroked my hair until I calmed down.

      Together, all of us headed away from the nightmare, away from the horrors of our past. I couldn't help but wear a satisfied smirk as the place I grew up in burned behind us.

                                                                          We were free

     We spent the night in a nearby town. In the morning, we said goodbye to the others. Many of them wanted to travel, or stay in this town. Of course, I offered for them to come with us, but I understood that they wanted to take their own paths. I told them that Fairy Tail was always open to them, if they ever decided to drop by we would welcome them with open arms. 

       After a somewhat teary goodbye, Erza and I headed off. To Fairy Tail.

                                                           We went home.


                A/N    I know its not my best writing but battle of fairy tail starts next chapter

hope you enjoyed and love you all <3

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