The Element Four

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          Natsu and I got inside the guild hall before the others. We ran to the base of the cannon, hoping to destroy the power source. What we found when we got there was a large lacrima. So, we needed to destroy that, and the cannon wouldn't fire. If only it was that simple. There was a man guarding the lacrima. When Natsu tried to attack him, his attack was deflected, and the man introduced himself as Totomaru, one of the Element Four, Master of all fire. Natsu continued to attack him, but was deflected each time. I just stood to the side, feeling useless.
          "Akita!" Natsu shouted, "I've got this guy, you destroy the lacrima!"
          "Aye!" I shouted.
           Though I had agreed, I had no idea how I was supposed to destroy it. My magic was the obvious way, but could I do it? It had been a year since I had used my magic, and the last time, hadn't gone so well. But Natsu, all of Fairy Tail, was counting on me. Well, I didn't have to go all out, just a little bit would do it. Natsu might not even notice.
           I closed my eyes, and an ice sword appeared in my right hand, and a rock sword in my left. I took a running jump at the lacrima, and hit it with the swords. At first, nothing happened. Then, slowly, it began to crack, until it shattered completely. The  swords disappeared, and I glanced over to see how Natsu was doing. He was pressuring Totomaru, but was still struggling a bit. I wanted to help, but I just wasn't ready, especially after destroying the lacrima.
          Suddenly, I got a very bad feeling. Someone was coming, someone powerful. I didn't want Natsu to have to fight after he had already spent so much of his energy. Though I felt bad for not telling Natsu what was going on, I turned and ran down the hallway. I had to find the enemy before it hurt Natsu. All of a sudden, the hallway began to shake, like the building was moving again. I stumbled against a wall, but kept moving. I had no time for this.
         Finally, I found the enemy. It was a man with bandages over his eyes. I felt tremendous magic power coming from him. I knew I couldn't defeat him, but maybe I could hold him off. When he noticed me, to my surprise, he started crying.
          "She's just a child, this is so sad. One so young must leave this world," he sobbed.
           Okay, I wasn't a child. And I wasn't about to leave this world. I wasn't sure how to respond to what he said, and he didn't give me a chance to.
        A circle of wind appeared in his palm, and as he directed the force at me, it grew until it completely surrounded me, tearing my clothes and cutting my skin before flinging me into a wall. I was clearly going to have to use magic.
     I stood up, my body aching, and changed into my fire form. My magic wasn't quite requip, but wasn't quite transformation. It was called elemental forms, but I had a couple of other things up my sleeve as well. The two of us fought on surprisingly equal terms, until we were both exhausted. Still, he had a great deal more power than me, and was starting to pressure me.
        I was knocked onto the ground. A wind vortex picked me up, and it felt like I was being ripped apart. The wind was too strong for me to even move. Was this the end?
        All of sudden, the wind disappeared, and I fell to the ground. I got up painfully, and to my surprise, Erza stood beside me.
        "Erza, you shouldn't be here!" I exclaimed, "you need rest!"
         "I'll be fine," she replied.
          I was so tired I could only watch as she fought him. He was already weak from his fight with me, so it didn't take long for her to defeat him. My magic power was running low, so I changed back to my normal form, my weapons and armor disappearing.
       Erza, even more tired than I was, sat down beside me.
       "So you're a requip mage?"
        I shook my head. "It's not quite like that. I can change into different elemental forms or weapons. It doesn't really enhance my abilities. I have a couple other basic Magics as well."
        "You're very powerful, why didn't you show us your magic before? It's certainly nothing to be ashamed of."
          I shook my head, and explained to her about how I had been wandering Fiore for the past year, the run in with the dark guild, and why that made me hesitant to show people my magic.
         She nodded and said "then this was very brave if you. Good job. By the way, where is Natsu?"
         "He had almost defeated another of the Element Four last I checked."
          Just then Elfman, Gray, Natsu and Happy ran in. They explained that the rest of the Element Four had been defeated. I sighed with relief. Natsu and Happy wanted to go challenge Master Jose, while the rest of us, who had no magic left, would return to the others. Though we felt bad about leaving him, there was really nothing we could do in our condition. We were about to part ways when a voice came on the PA system. It was Master Jose.
      "Listen closely because I'm only going to say this once." He said.
       There was a scream. It was Lucy. Had they captured her? They must have! Without listening to anything else, Natsu and Happy rushed off. Without stopping to think, I ran after them. I owed Lucy a huge debt. I had to save her!
       "Gray, Elfman, Erza," I shouted behind me, "I'm going with them to find Lucy, you guys go back to the guild hall!"
        I ignored their shouts of protest and continued to run after Natsu. After a couple of twists and turns, I lost sight of him. I looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. No luck. I ran off again, hoping I would eventually find him. I found someone, but not him.
        I dashed into a room, calling for Natsu. I stopped short. In front of me stood the smug figure of Master Jose.
        "That boy isn't here," he said, "I believe he's currently fighting Gajeel, our dragonslayer, in an attempt to get back Miss Lucy Heartfilia. He is fighting a losing battle though. But don't worry about them my dear, I'm the one in front of you. Get ready to die, painfully."
        I couldn't help but be relieved. I knew Natsu would beat this Gajeel guy, and Lucy would be safe. But I had to focus on the fight before me. With almost no magic power, I was fighting a Wizard Saint with nothing but hope.

Well, this chapter was kind of long. I actually liked it a lot. I hope you do too<3
Glad To finally show Akita's magic, though she can definitely do more than that :)
Happy reading!

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