A Simple Vacation

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This was going to be a great week! Erza, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray and I are staying at a beach resort and casino. It's going to be so much fun!
We left the minute we got the tickets. This was because Erza would have killed us if we didn't. But I wasn't complaining. I was going to learn a lot of new things, such as how to swim, gamble (is that good), and have a good time! Erza was even more excited to teach me how to do those things. To be honest, I loved the others, and owed them, especially Lucy. I thought of them as my family. But Erza was even more special to me than that, I felt a connection with her, and she was like the older sister I never had. We shared something, a rough childhood, similarities in our personality and powers. I couldn't quite place what it was, but there was something.
The second we got to the beach, Erza began to give me a crash course in everything about having a great day at the beach. For some, this might ruin the fun, but I was just happy to be here.
We had a great day at the beach, and the boys managed not to destroy too much. I sure learned a lot. When the sun began to set, we all headed back to our rooms. Except me. I went with Erza because she had a dress she wanted me to wear when we all went to the casino. Knowing her, it would be amazing. I took a shower first thing, while she rested on the balcony. When I got out, she was asleep.
"Erza?" I asked, "Erza?"
         She sat bolt upright, breathing heavily. I stepped back, concerned.
        "Oh, it's you Akita, I'm sorry about that. It was just a bad dream"
        I nodded. She didn't even have to say what it was about. We headed inside and she changed into her dress. It was beautiful, but that was no surprise. Then she showed me mine.
    It was a rosy gold color, and it sparkles in the light. It was subtly decorated, and fit me in all the perfect ways.
     "Wow..." I breathed, "Erza this is amazing."
      "I thought that you would like it." She said, smiling.
       We met Lucy at the end of the hall, and headed down together to play some games. There we lots of people down there, and I was little nervous, so I stuck with Erza.
     We played a few games, before settling at a card table. After a quick explanation, I understood the game, but not enough to do well at it. Erza however, was having a lucky streak. After a little while, I dropped out of the game, but continued to cheer her on. I left to go to the bathroom. But, on my way back, I saw something horrible. Erza was being carried off by a group of young mages. She was unconscious.
       Without thinking, I ran after them, tailing them to their ship. I managed to sneak on board, but before I could continue my search, everything went black.
      I woke up tied to a pole, clearly still on the ship. Blinking my eyes, I saw Erza beside me. She looked awful.
      "Erza?" I asked nervously, "what's going on?"
      She looked at me with despair in her eyes and said "they're taking us to the tower."
     I knew what she meant. I was scared, but I knew it must be much worse for Erza. I had to do something to console her.
      "Erza." I said softly, but she looked at me there was a fire burning in my eyes, "no matter what lies ahead of us, I will protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise." Though my words were a whisper, they were filled with rage, and hope, the desire to protect my dear comrade.
     A tear slid down her cheek, and she nodded in thanks, not able to speak. But I knew that she was very grateful, even if she wasn't able to say so without breaking down. I knew I had done everything I could, so we sat in silence. No matter what, I would keep my promise.

Well, I'm bad at starting arcs but I PROMISE I'm better at the actual arc. Love ya and hope you enjoyed 😂❤️

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