A Normal Week at the Guild

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        The week after the war with Phantom Lord ended was a busy one. Though Team Natsu went on many jobs (most likely to get out of repair work) I chose to stay behind.
       After a few days of work, I decided to take the day off. Team Natsu was back from a job, and I asked them is they wanted to take a break as well. They completely agreed. All of us, except Lucy who hadn't shown up at the guild yet, headed out for a day of "shopping". Yeah, right.
        "Akita," Erza said, clearly happy to be shopping for clothes, "how about the two of us separate from the others for now. We can have a couple of hours to shop without those idiots making a mess everywhere we go."
       I happily agreed. The boys headed off on their own, and I assumed they would end up back at the guild sooner or later.
      The first shop Erza and I went into was a dress shop. Now, I didn't want to say this and sound dumb, but I'd never worn a dress before. I had no idea what to look for. In fact, I'd never been clothes shopping before. After a few minutes of pretending I knew what I was doing, I shamefacedly confessed I had never been clothes shopping before. It's not that it was particularly difficult, it's just, sizes, and, clothes, fashion, and stuff. I didn't really know about any of those things. Erza seemed delighted to teach me everything she knew. I knew her excitement would lead to a day full of hard work, because that's just Erza. But I wasn't too upset, not at all!
       After about 3 hours, 12 shops, 6 angry managers, 2 threats to call the authorities, and a million outfits, I had more clothes than I had ever owned in my life, and amazing ones too. I was also a real expert on shopping. We decided it was time to take a lunch break.
       We ate at a nice diner, and the food was very good. We had (you'll never guess) strawberry cake for dessert. When we had finished, we went to the park to unwind and talk. We decided that we should head back to the guild to see how things were going once we had had enough time to relax.
       We talked about shallow things and gossip for a while, but neither of us were very good at silly little conversations like that. Our topics got darker and more personal, until Erza finally admitted there was something she'd wanted to tell me. The look on her face made me realize it was something extremely serious.
     That was how I learned about the Tower of Heaven. Erza's past. When she had finished her story, we were silent for a while. I knew this was the part where I told her my story, it was only fair.
     "Um.." I began, "I guess it's my turn now. Umm...I never knew my family. I don't know if they died or abandoned me, but I was left on the streets before I was 1 years old. I was found, by a man who I don't remember. He saved my life. And he decided that he should give me to an orphanage, seeing as he couldn't take care of a baby himself. There was only one place nearby. It was an orphanage, if you use the term so loosely it could mean anywhere that orphans are. But it was no home. The children, we, weren't there to be taken care of. You see, this all has to do with the reason I hate being touched. Because..."
      Before I could finish, Natsu ran over to us. "I finally found you!" He shouted, "Loke quit the guild and ran off, you gotta help us find him!"
      Well, my story would have to wait for now. We searched for Loke til late at night. Finally, I was too tired to search any longer. Since Lucy wasn't back yet, Erza let me stay at her place for the night. It was comfortable, but I could tell she wanted me to finish my story. But I was so tired, I just couldn't. I told her I wasn't able to say any more just yet, it was too difficult. She completely understood. I fell asleep very quickly, and didn't dream.
      I headed to the guild first thing in the morning. It was then that the shocking news about Leo was revealed to us. He was a celestial spirit, and now had a contract with Lucy! But what was even more exciting, was he had given us all free tickets to stay at a resort for a week! I was excited, but not nearly as excited as Erza, who already had her stuff packed. She insisted we leave immediately. Well that settled that then. As we headed off to have a great time, none of could have imagined what lay in store for us.

Sorry I'm really bad at fillers. I hope it's not too awful. We made it to 100 reads, and 36 likes. That's good enough for me!! Tomorrow I'll do a double update (one chapter and The about me page)
I'll just post basic info about me on it, but feel free to ask if you have any specific questions
Love you all <3

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