The Fairy Tail Guild

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        Lucy and I stood in front of the Fairy Tail guild hall. It looked like a regular building to me, but Lucy was glowing with pride and excitement.

      "I'll go in first, to let them know you're coming." She said.

       I knew it was probably to warn that I was a weirdo who couldn't be touched without flipping out. I was a bit nervous. Who knew what the future held in store? Especially now that everything's gone...strange. I certainly couldn't have expected this.
          Lucy poked her head out the door and motioned for me to come inside. My heart was pounding. What lies beyond those doors?

       And the answer was...chaos. Maybe restrained chaos, but chaos all the same. I couldn't help but feel overjoyed. They all seemed just as awesome as Lucy, Natsu and Happy!
        As soon as I walked in, the noise stopped. People flashed me smiles and waved, but kept their distance. Seriously, I may not like it when people touch me, but it's totally okay to approach me. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes.
        A beautiful white haired girl waved me over.
        "Hello! My name is Mirajane! Welcome to Fairy Tail. I heard you were interested in joining!"
        I nodded, wondering if she heard that from Lucy. Even though I never said I was interested, Lucy must have gone and told them I was. Well, no turning back now!
       "What color would you like your guild mark, and where?" She asked me.

       Noticing my confused expression, Lucy showed me her guild mark, and assured me it didn't hurt.

       "Ummm...I would like it to be dark purple, and on my right shoulder please."

       Mirajane nodded, and pulled out a stamp from behind the counter. My mind had not made the leap that in order to get the guild mark, she would have to put it on me, with the stamp. She read my expression, and gave me a comforting smile.

      "Hey, it's ok." She said, "just look away, I promise, you won't even notice."

      I was really nervous, but also very embarrassed. What's wrong with me? I'm 15, I shouldn't have an issue with this. I blushed and looked down at my shoes, but nodded in agreement to her suggestion.

       "Look at me," She said, "you have nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Though certain things may bother you, I'm sure it's not your fault, and I'm sure you have a valid reason. Besides, I know you have something very special to offer us!"

        No one had ever spoken to me so kindly. I felt happy and peaceful. Most of all, I felt accepted. For the first time in my life, I had a family. All my doubts and resistance to joining the Fairy Tail family melted away. I looked the other while Mira gave me the guild mark. When it was done, I looked down at my shoulder. Seeing it there made me happier than I'd ever been before. Suddenly, I realized I sounded just like Lucy had. "Happier than I've ever been before."
       Mira then introduced me to all the guild members.
Cana- A young woman drinking right from a barrel. This didn't seem normal, but then again, I wasn't one to talk.

Erza- A red headed woman, wearing armor. She didn't look very friendly, but I felt drawn to her, not in a weird way, just, like, a sister. Is that weird?

Elfman- Mira's younger brother. He's very tall. He told me I was a man. That's not true.

Loke- I didn't like the way he looked at me. He didn't look mean or anything. Just....flirty? Maybe it's just my imagination.

Levy- A short blue haired girl. I could tell we were going to be friends, we shared the problem of being too small and young looking for our ages. She likes books. I don't know how to read much. Maybe she can help me.

Gray- A chill looking guy. Until he saw Natsu and Happy. Gray and Natsu started fighting. This guild is so weird but I can tell I'm gonna love it!

She also introduced me to Macao, Jet, Droy, Bisca, and Alzack.

       Finally, she introduced me to Master Makarov. He smiled at me, and I could tell he really cared about everyone here. I could also tell where the guild got their spirit. He held out his hand for me to shake it, but Mira shook her head. I nodded my head to thank him.
        "Thank you letting me join sir, um, Master. I promise I won't be a burden!"

        "Welcome to Fairy Tail!" He said, "We're very happy to have you! Trust me, you can't be more of a burden then those brats fooling around in here."

        He grinned and his eyes sparkled with laughter. He seemed very warm and kind, but a bit mischievous too. The guild members looked over at me and the Master, curious about what he was saying.
         I turned to them, and for the first time in a very long time, I smiled. It wasn't a very good smile, not like theirs. In fact, some of them told me later on they could tell I hadn't smiled in a while. Still, it meant everything to me.

        I was a Fairy Tail wizard!!!

Well that was happy to write. Hope your enjoying this <3
PS Jellal needs to think up better a name than BERRY. Sorry just had to get that out there, love you!

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