The Tower of Heaven

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A/N so it's getting hard for me to do daily updates, school just sucks all the energy out of me, so sorry if I miss a day, but I'll keep trying my best. Also just so you know, I'm assuming everyone who's read that is familiar with Fairy Tail, so I don't need to fill out plot because you already know it. Thanks ❤️👆😄

After hours tied up on the boat, my arms were cramping, and my legs were falling asleep. So, though I was also scared, I was kinda glad when we made landfall. After a while on the ship, Erza had told me that the people who had taken us were old friends of hers from the Tower of Heaven (more like they had all been slaves there together) so I had a better idea of what we were getting into.
Erza has also told one of them, a blonde boy, about how I shouldn't be touched. Though they were enemies now, they still had a great deal of love and trust from their childhood, so, luckily for me he agreed and informed the others. I was so grateful to Erza, and her old comrades for understanding, they really didn't seem like that bad of people to be honest.
We were led off the ship onto an island, on which was enormous metal spire that reached almost endlessly up toward the sky. We headed straight for the entrance. Many guards patrolled the Tower, and I knew this was not the time to escape.
We were led into a cell, and chained up. The blonde boy came over to me with a smile on his face, scary.
"Sorry, but you're not allowed to hear this." He said sweetly.
The world went dark. I woke up to Erza whispering my name. I slowly opened my eyes. I was shocked at what I saw. The boy had gone, and Erza had somehow freed herself.
"Akita! Stay still, I'm going to cut your chains!
I nodded. She attacked the chains, but didn't even make a scratch. She furrowed her brow in confusion, why weren't they breaking like hers had? We heard voices in the hall behind us. Erza whipped her head around in terror. Her attacks were still having no effect.
"Erza stop," I whispered, "You need to run. Its you they're after, not me. You have to go!"
She shook her head, tears running down her face. I knew what I was doing was right. I had to convince her, no matter how scared I was.
"Erza please," I begged, "you have to go, now!"
She stopped her attacks, and stood there, frozen, crying.
"Akita, you're, you're like a little sister to me, and I love you," she whispered, "and no matter what I will come back for you, I promise. Stay strong, I will return.
With that, she turned and ran. She got away just in time. As the figures stepped around the corner, I quickly pretended to still be unconscious.
"She's escaped?!?" I heard one say.
"But it looks like she left her friend, typical," the other scoffed
"We have to go find her, she's needed for the ceremony."
"But what about this one?"
"Well, since the girl was kind enough to leave her for us"
          The two of them laughed. I felt like throwing up. The memories were starting to push at me. I forced them back, and braced myself for what was to come.
         I couldn't help it. I looked up, I had to see who was there. It was two men, smirks on their faces.
        "Oh look, the precious little thing is awake. Get ready cutie, this is gonna hurt. Make sure to scream for us won't you?"
        They started to beat me, and shock me with electricity. It hurt so bad, but I refused to scream and give them what they wanted. They laughed at me, not letting up.
       I kept praying to pass out, but I didn't. My clothes were ripped apart, my skin was torn, and I just wanted it all to be over. Finally, after what seemed like forever, they stopped. Another guard had called, telling them they were needed.
I heard their footsteps head back down the hallway. I opened my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. I just hoped Erza came back before they came to "play" with me again. I knew Natsu and the others must be on their way. I couldn't let the pain take control. I just had to believe in them.
      Though every inch of me hurt, I knew that the injuries were mostly superficial, nothing life threatening. But it didn't stop the pain and memories. I couldn't hold back my tears, so I sobbed, alone in the darkness, praying for it all to end.

-time skip to a couple hours later, she's just been locked up there badly injured, hurting, they haven't come back-

I heard sounds of fighting near by. I wondered when someone would come to save me. Eventually, footsteps headed towards me. My heart started pounding. I quickly closed my eyes and prayed for it all to be over.
"Akita?" I heard a familiar voice say, "Wh-What happened?? 
I looked up, unable to hold back tears of relief. It was Lucy, her expression full of horror, and another girl with blue hair. Wait I recognized her! Lucy answered my question before I could ask it. Why was a member of Phantom here?
     "This is Juvia, she's an ally." Lucy said, letting me know I had nothing to fear.
     I nodded. If Lucy trusted Juvia, the. I guess I would too. They tried to break the chains, but found that they were as unbreakable as before. They resorted to pulling them out of the wall. So my hands were still chained together, but I could run, so it would have to do for now.
       I followed them, running toward the exit. That used up the rest of me energy. When we finally got outside, the others were waiting for us in a boat. Except two.
      "Wait! Where are Natsu and Erza," I asked.
      The others explained everything to me. Though I was extremely worried, I knew I would have to have faith in them. I was exhausted from fear and pain, plus my arms were still chained together. The others stared in shock at my injures, seeming to notice them for the first time, and I didn't have to tell them what had happened. They knew.
       "Lie down," Gray said gently, "you look like you're about to fall over anyways. I'll take care of those chains."
       He froze them, and they snapped off easily. I was just about to drift off for some much needed rest, when all of a sudden the Ethereon circle above the Tower began to glow. The others were still inside! I could only watch in horror as the beam struck the Tower and our boat was swallowed up by the sea.

Ok, that's it for now. I know it's not the best I've done, and I kinda rushed this arc, but that's cause it's mostly Battles and I'm tired. But the next chapter will add in some new plot and make up for this. Hope ya liked it anyway 😊😝❤️👍👆😀👍😂

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