Defending Our Home

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            I ran as I fast as I could. It was getting harder and harder to catch my breath, but I still had a ways to go. How I felt didn't matter. All that mattered was I had to save Lucy. Who knew what Phantom Lord would do to her! Why were they after Lucy anyway? She certainly hadn't done anything to them! I reached the Phantom Lord guild hall, but things were going badly. My guild mates were fleeing from the Phantom guild hall. Elfman held a defeated Master in his arms. Despite the situation, I knew I still needed to warn them.
            "Erza! Natsu!" I shouted, "They took Lucy, they have Lucy! We gotta help her!!"
              "What!??!" Natsu shouted, his voice full of rage.
            Without stopping to hear what happened, he grabbed one of the Phantom members who was chasing him, and ran off, dragging the man behind him. Happy followed him, and shouted "Don't worry Akita, Natsu and I will find her!"
               That had happened fast. Natsu really didn't ever think before he did something. I shook my head and turned my attention to the matter at hand.
               "Erza, what happened here? Why are you stopping the attack. What happened to Master?"
                "He was gravely injured during the attack, without him we didn't stand a chance. We have to go back to the guild hall and regroup. Master also has to be taken to Porlyusica, Fairy Tail's doctor of sorts, to see if there is anything she can do. How was Lucy captured?"
         I told her what had happened. I was ashamed that I had been unable to protect Lucy, especially after she had done so much for me. I was worried about her, and hoped Natsu and Happy's rescue operation would go well. I was also worried about Master, as well as the rest of the guild. What were we going to do now?
              We headed down to the basement of our guild hall, where we had to stay until the rest of the hall was rebuilt. No one said anything. We were all too upset. There was some good news though. Natsu and Happy returned a short while later, and they brought Lucy with them. She looked unharmed, but she was very upset.
            She told us that the whole situation was her fault, that Phantom Lord was attacking because they had been hired by her father. We learned that she was a member of the extremely rich Heartfilia family. She had hated her life then, so she had run away about a year ago, and finally found her way to Fairy Tail. She couldn't believe after all this time, her father was just now trying to get her back. She was even more horrified by his methods. She believed that if she hadn't run away, none of this would have happened. She wanted to just turn herself over to them, but the others comforted the sobbing girl. No one in the Fairy Tail guild was going to let one of our family members be taken away!
            We didn't have much time to rest. We heard a loud sound outside, like stomping. We all ran out to see the Phantom Lord guild hall WALKING toward ours. We were horrified. Erza, who has been taking a shower, ran out. She stood in shock at the sight before her. That wasn't the worst part. They had a magic focusing cannon aimed right at us, and it was charging. The blast would kill us all, and obliterate our guild! No one knew what to do, except for one person.
         Erza stepped in front of us all, requiping into her Adamantium Armor, the strongest and most impenetrable shield she had. She was going to try to block the blast all by herself!
         Natsu shouted "Erza no! You'll die!" And ran towards her.
         He was held back. There was nothing we could do. We were just going to have to have faith in her. Th blast hit her full on. She was managing to block it, but her armor was breaking, and she yelled in pain. When the blast finally ended, she had saved us all, but she fell to the ground. She was still conscious, but didn't have the strength to move.
            Phantom Lord's Master, Jose, talked to us through what sounded like a magical PA system. He said if we didn't turn over Lucy, the cannon would fire again. We had fifteen minutes to decide. On top of it all, he sent out soldiers made of shadow to attack us and destroy our hall.
             Though Lucy was ready to turn herself over, everyone else in the guild flat out refused to let her go. We decided we would split up into two teams. Natsu, Happy, Gray, and Elfman would go into the Phantom guild hall and try to stop the cannon. The others would defend the guild hall from the soldiers. Erza wanted to go with Natsu, but she was too injured. Lucy wasn't allowed to go, because getting closer to Phantom would only help them reach their goal, capturing her. I was ready to stay with the others to defend the guild hall, but Natsu had other plans.
             "Akita, you're coming with us," he said, giving me his signature grin.
            Before I could protest, why would he want someone as useless as me dragging him down, he had already run off. Maybe, I don't believe in myself, but it seemed like Natsu did. For now, that would have to be what gave me courage. I sighed, and ran to catch up with him.
Ok, I know I switch between tenses. And I know Akita wasn't really in this chapter. But i promise she'll be in the next one. I hope you like it so far, I make a huge deal over having to update nightly and my parents are SO annoyed lol <3

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