Phantom Lord

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             I learned that Phantom Lord was a guild that was almost equal in power to Fairy Tail. Though Master said we shouldn't take action, many of the guild members strongly disagreed. Though I was still very new to the guild, it still made me extremely angry to see that anyone would dare to treat us in this way. But if Master said not to do anything, then we had to listen.
              That night, Natsu, Erza and Happy joined me and Lucy in her apartment because apparently it wasn't safe for anyone to be by themselves. To be honest, I did feel a whole lot safer when they were around. I worried about some of the others though. No one was in a cheerful mood like usual. Everyone was so angry about what happened, that I was afraid to even speak. I didn't want to say the wrong thing and set them off.
              Knowing Fairy Tail, we couldn't keep this up for much longer. One of us, probably Natsu, would take action. To be honest, I would be right there by his side. I didn't know much about the rivalry with Phantom, but anyone who dared to treat my family like this would pay.
             I was right, but to be fair, we were seriously provoked. In the night, someone had attacked Levy, Jet and Droy. They were hanging from a tree, severely injured. It was no mystery who had done it. Phantom Lord...
             The second Master saw them, he declared war on Phantom Lord. He led the guild to storm the Phantom guild hall. I was about to leave with them, but Lucy asked me to come with her, to bring Levy and the others to the infirmary. As much as I wanted to fight, I couldn't turn her down. I knew that I could count on the others to kick Phantom's butt.

               -Time Skip to when Lucy and Akita are sitting with Levy, Jet and Droy at the infirmary, because them getting there is boring-

              "Lucy?" I asked nervously, "Why would they do something like this? The others, they're gonna win right?"
           I usually don't feel nervous like this. I don't ask childish questions like those. But looking at the broken bodies of my guild mates, I suddenly felt very weak and vulnerable.
           "To be honest, I don't know much more than you do about Phantom Lord's rivalry with us. I know we haven't recently done anything to provoke them, but I can't speak for the past. But I can say, Levy and her team did not deserve this. Natsu and the others are going to make those Phantom jerks pay for all the suffering these three endured. Our guild hall can be rebuilt, but what they did to Levy and her team will leave a mark on them. That is something that we can not let slide. Even if they beat us today, even if they beat us a thousand times, we won't give up until we get our revenge."
            I nodded. I didn't trust myself to speak. Her words had filled me with emotions. She spoke with sadness and pain in her voice, but determination and hope as well. She believes in the power of Fairy Tail, in the power of family. So do I, I realized, and smiled quietly to myself.
             "Akita," she asked quietly, "I know I have no right to ask. I don't expect you to answer, but I just have to get it out there. Why is it that you can't show us your magic? How come being touched scares you so much? I care about you a lot, and I want to help. I'm always here, if you need to talk, or even if you don't want to talk, and just need to be with a friend."
             I was taken aback by her words. I wanted to tell her so bad. But the words would hurt. I was afraid to speak them. I fought with myself for a moment. I really wanted to tell her. She was like an older sister to me. I could trust her to understand. I knew I wouldn't be able to tell her everything, but I could at least tell her a little bit.
          "I can't tell you everything, it's too hard, and I'm not ready yet," I began, "But I will tell some. I lost my family when I was a baby. I don't remember them at all. I grew up, in a place, where kids with no parents, were..." I trailed off. Why was this so difficult?
          I tried again. "Maybe not that part yet, sorry. But I can say, that for the past year I've been wandering around Fiore, with nowhere to go. At one point, I fought a group of mages from what I think was a dark guild. They saw my magic. After that, they never stopped hunting me for it. That's why I've been a little hesitant to show you guys my magic, but, I promise I will soon. And the other part of the story, the reason I can't be touched, I'm afraid I'll have to save that for another time."
          I was afraid to meet her eyes. I probably just made a huge fool of myself. I didn't expect her to look so sad. In fact, she looked like she was about to cry.
           "I didn't mean to hurt you by asking such sensitive questions," she whispered, "thank you for sharing what you did, and I'm so, so sorry."
           "No, no, it's ok," I said, "I really wanted to tell you! I'm just not ready yet! There's no need to apologize!"
            She nodded, and smiled sweetly, but a little sadly. We headed out of the infirmary, there wasn't much more we could do. Before we could get very far down the street, we were ambushed by some strange people. The girl captured Lucy, and knocked her keys away. They must be from Phantom, I realized. I got ready to fight back, but everything  went dark before I had the chance.
          When I woke up, Lucy was gone. I got up, and ran toward the Phantom guild hall to warn the others of what happened. The only thought in my head was, I have to make it in time, I am not losing anyone else!

Well, as promised, it's longer, I hope it's better too! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy. <3

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