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        A few days later, the Master chose Erza, Lucy, Happy, Gray, Natsu and I to go on a mission. Apparently there was a dark guild causing trouble and we had to stop them. The others were kind of annoyed, but I was excited. It had been a little while since we fought together as a team! Besides, I was getting a little bored, and was glad for the work. Apparently, this enemy was very strong, so we had to team up with some people from other guilds. I didn't really know much about dark guilds, or any other guilds honestly. Mirajane drew a diagram of what the dark guild system was. The one we were going to fight was called the Oración Seis. It was one of the 3 main dark guilds. Strangely enough, they only had 6 members. We were leaving immediately, so I didn't really have time to think it over.
     "Erza," I said as we started our traveling, "how come Natsu is always motion sick?"
      She snickered and glanced at our poor companion. "That's just the way he is I guess. I thought it may have something to do with being a dragon slayer, but none of the other dragon slayers seem to have a similar issue. So I guess it just Natsu."
       I laughed, thinking of how strong and fierce Natsu usually was, then he's completely weak and useless the second he gets in a moving vehicle.
      "So, do you guys know anything about the other guilds we're teaming up with?" I asked.
      Gray replied, "Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, I've heard of both of those, and the third is Cait Shelter, which I've never heard of. We know Blue Pegasus the best, but we're pretty friendly with Lamia Scale too. Like Fairy Tail, they have very...interesting members. It should be fun to see who they send."
     I couldn't think of anyone weirder than the people I was with, but I was in for a surprise. We finally arrived. The meeting place was a mansion, and it looked empty. Maybe we were the first ones here?
     We stepped in, and all of a sudden, three teenage boys revealed themselves. I recognized the guild mark to be Blue Pegasus. They introduced themselves as. Hibiki, Ren, and Eve. Then, things got weird. Eve took Erza's arm. Ren took Lucy's, and Hibiki took mine. They lead us over to some couches, and started flirting and "hosting" us.
       "You are so adorable!" Hibiki said to me, "and I'm sure when you grow up you'll be a real beauty!"
       I couldn't help it. I punched him in the face and went back to stand with Gray and Natsu. I swear I'm 15, its not my fault I'm small. What a jerk! I heard a sound next to me, and realized Gray looked very angry. But before he could act, a very strange voice called down the stairs. Something about it sounded...weird. But it was about to get weirder.

It's too hard to explain. Just watch the video.

Anyways, I barely had time to process that strangeness when the next guild made their appearance. Lamia Scale. The others seemed to know the members Lyon and Sherry, but I had never seen them before. They were strange, but nothing compared to the others. The third was Jura, a Wizard Saint. I wasn't sure what that mean, but it sounded very powerful.
     After some tense introductions, we waited for the final guild to show up, Cait Shelter. Apparently, they were only sending one member, which meant that member must be very strong. But, it wasn't what we expected at all.

For anyone that doesn't know: The bald guy is Jura. The pink hair girl is Sherry. The guy with white hair is Lyon. The blond guy is Hibiki, the brown hair guy with tan skin is Ren, the short guy with really light blond hair is Eve. The blue hair girl is Wendy and her cat is Carla. If you don't recognize the Fairy Tail members, please stop reading 😂

I was kind of relieved to not be the only tiny and young looking one. I hoped me and the girl, Wendy, could be friends. She seemed really sweet and nice, but a little shy.

  With our coalition finally together, we can discuss our plan of attack. We got this!

A/N i just really like the videos IDK
    I hope you like it
    Pretty soon we're gonna get to the arc that's the point of the whole book which is not a canon arc
    Well happy reading and HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND SCHOOL BREAK
   Love you all <3

They Won't Remember (Fairy Tail fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora