Only For A Moment

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         I had gotten better at hugs and physical contact over the past few weeks. Everyone respected when I needed a break, and never pushed me to do anything I wasn't comfortable with. Erza was very proud of me. I also managed to tell my story to Lucy, Gray, and Natsu. Somehow, the rest of the guild found out very quickly. At first I was annoyed. It was my private information after all! But I decided it was probably okay. So I let it slide. Of course there were many questions I had to answer, and that wasn't easy for me. 

         Still, I did my best to answer them all, and eventually everyone moved on. Everyone except for one person, Erza. She wanted to find the place I had been raised, shut it down, and rescue everyone who was still suffering there. While it was a nice idea, I didn't have much hope that it was possible. First of all, everyone in my group, besides me of course, was dead, so I didn't know any of the kids there. Though, that didn't mean they didn't deserve to be rescued of course. It just meant they had no reason to trust us.

        The other problem was that I had no idea where the place was. Despite having lived there my whole life, I really didn't know much about it. I didn't see how there was any way her plan could possibly succeed. But, Erza really wanted to go through with it, she was serious. And when she get like that, no problem is too big to solve. She asked me to retrace my journey across Fiore. She would accompany me of course. Hopefully, I would be able to find the general area of the place, and we could start searching around there.

        I reluctantly agreed, though I wasn't sure I would be able to find it. I tried my best to remember the towns I had encountered. It had been about a week, when we finally arrived at a forest. I couldn't be sure, but it might have been the one I ended up in. We searched the forest for a couple days, and began to lose hope. On the third night we made camp in a small clearing. The two of us sat by the fire. I hadn't wanted to admit it, but I was scared to face my old nightmare.

         "Erza," I said softly, "I don't know if I want to find it. The memories are just too painful. I know the other kids deserve to be rescued. Trust me there's nothing else I could possibly want. But I just don't know if I have the courage to face it. Breaking in is one thing, and I'm sure you'll easily be able to defeat them. It'll be difficult to win the kids' trust, and that's why I know I have to be there with you. Trust me, I know how they'll feel. It's just...I'm so afraid to go back there!"

          Those thoughts had been bothering me for a while. Erza knew as well as I did that the kids there had been hurt, and hurt bad. They would be reluctant to put their trust into anyone. They would trust us more if I was there. They would easily be able to see I was telling the truth about having grown up there. Without me, it would be nearly impossible to get them to go with us. But, though I knew what my responsibilities were, I could't help but be horribly afraid. Erza seemed to be deep in thought. 

          Finally, she answered "I didn't expect you to come with me. Now that I think about it, we would have no hope of success without you. I know it's way too much to expect from you, and I've been a fool to ask so much of you. I know as well as you do how hard it is to return to a place like this, I felt the same about the Tower. But it must be even worse to do it as a choice. It's just, I also know the horrors of living your childhood in captivity. I want to save them."

       I nodded and said, "I, I will go. The children there have lost all hope. They suffer every day, and watch the only family they have die. They have to see the others get released  from their torture, while they have to keep on enduring it. They have to be saved. As a child, I used to pray to be saved, but I never was. That caused me to give up hope, the same for many others. I have a chance now, to save others like me. I'm not going to give that up, no matter it I'm scared!"

       "That's very brave of you," she answered, "I can't even begin to imagine. I'm so proud of you, and I sincerely apologize for putting you in this situation. We will save all of them. I know it seems scary now, but take it from me, once this is all over, you'll feel better than ever before, trust me. May I hug you?" I nodded slowly, and she gently pulled me in. It was more difficult to adjust than usual, but eventually I melted into the hug. We stayed like that for a while, comforted. We had no idea what lay ahead.


       I awoke, chained to a wall. Erza was chained up beside me, At first, I thought it was a nightmare, but I soon realized what had happened. Erza was awake, and when she noticed I was awake, she whispered "Akita. They got us during the night. I know you're scared, but this may actually help our plan. We're going to get out, and take all the kids with us. We'll leave this place in ruins, along with all the people who hurt you for so long. But right now, I need you to stay calm. We will be okay." 

       I tried to stay calm, but I couldn't. All the memories came crashing in. I couldn't breathe, I started sobbing uncontrollably. I was filled with terror, and helplessness. "Erza, I, I can't. They're gonna get me again. You don't know, don't know what they did. I don't want to, I can't do this Erza. I don't want to be here. They're gonna come, we can't get out. Please, please Erza I can't do this." My voice broke and I just cried. I felt a hand grasp mine, and I screamed, for a moment I was thrown back into my past.

      Then I realized it was Erza. It took me a moment to calm down, gripping her hand like I would never let go. I looked into her eyes, and I realized she was nervous too. She had her fair share of pain in the past, and I knew this couldn't be easy for her either. Fear became replaced with determination, we came here to save the kids, and that's what we were going to do. She saw the new look in my eyes, and smiled, letting go of my hand. First things first, we had to escape from this room.

  Well, sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger. I did end up getting in trouble. I lost my phone phone for a week and a half. I can use the computer to update, but I may not be able to do it nightly like usual, sorry. I'll try my best.

I really like this chapter, and the last one. I really like Akita's bond with Erza (if ya couldn't tell lol)

In the Battle of Fairy Tail which will be after this I'll focus more on her relationship with other characters though

I hope you enjoyed this! Thanks! Love you all! <3     

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