Thank You

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A love letter to my readers.

This story has been an incredible journey. I started writing it in November 2015 when I was a 17-year-old junior in high school. Now, December 2018, I'm a 20-year-old junior in college and graduation early next Spring. I've gone from a teenage girl to a young woman with this book, and I am so glad to see that with all the things I've learned since I began blossoming in my life and work.

But enough about me. I want to express my deepest appreciation to everyone who took time out of their day that could have literally gone to anything else and read this book. Writing is my greatest passion, and to be able to share it with you all has given me some of the greatest joy I've known.

When I began writing "At No Time," I wanted each reader to have an attachment to the characters and plot, to learn and grow with them as they were. I really hope I was able to do that for you. I hope I was able to leave a lasting impression with you all.

This is the last book I'll be writing for Wattpad. I feel as though it's my time to move on from the platform that has given and taught me so much about writing and its processes. I am forever grateful for it. It's my time to work on novels that will actually be published and screenplays I've been dying to get my fingers on. I feel it in my spirit and soul that it's time.

Thanks for hanging with me for so long ❤️

You helped make this book into what it was. I write not only for myself, but for the people, for the people who want to transcend into another universe just for a little while. I think God put me on this Earth to help people live through the beauty of word, and I am so glad I got to use it with you all. You all are an absolute inspiration to me and I want you to know that every word that was penned was with you all in mind.

I also want to give a quick shoutout to the readers who regularly commented and liked this book. I see all y'all ❤️

@_hernandezz (sp!)

Super super sorry if I missed any of you! You know the Dimps got love for all y'all 💕

Again, my deepest and loudest appreciation to all of you. This has been an incredible journey.

Thank you.

                                           ~  Dimples

At No Time || Bruno MarsWhere stories live. Discover now