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"You're really gonna  be moving here to L.A.?!" Angelique practically squealed in the middle of the shopping mall, nearly dropping her bag of purchases. Trystan grabbed her arm. "Would you shush?" She glanced around, conscious of the swarm of people about them. "Tell me then! I have to know for sure!" Angelique insisted, barely lowering her volume.

"I don't even know for sure. And none of this is for certain, Lique. Only if Vivacity likes the record will determine if they want to sign me to their production team, and even if they give me an offer, I don't know if I'll take it."

Angelique stopped Trystan in the middle of the walkway, much to the aggravation of an older couple who'd been strolling behind them. "These darn kids, thinking they can do whatever they want . . ." the older gentlemen grumbled as he clutched his wife's hand so they could shuffle past.

"Tree, you'd be a damn fool not to take that offer. Do you know how big Vivacity is? How big it could make you? You'd have artists around the world wanting you to write for them!" If looks could assault, Angelique's hazel eyes would be smacking Trystan at the moment.

"I know, but, New York is my home, Lique. It's my roots. California already has thousands of great producers. If anything, I would want to bring great producers to New York so we're not only seen as the "theater" or "Fashion Week" state. I don't want to forget where I come from and I don't want people thinking I forgot where I came from. Plus, all my family's back in New York—,"

"Hey!" Angelique snapped her fingers in front of Trystan's face, gathering her friend from her inner deliberations. "Your family is a plane ticket away, and come on, Tree! This is your dream! You can represent Brooklyn all day, but you know Los Angeles is where the big business is. Your mama and aunties and cousins and all of them will understand. Don't let them stop you from taking this opportunity."

Trystan twirled a spoon in a cup of hot lemon tea, deliberation heavy on her mind. She was sedentary in the small kitchen of the studio that was situated little ways down from the production room. She hadn't an idea why she'd assumed the studio was the best place to think, previously figuring since it was the first source of inspiration, it would help aid in her decision-making.

I don't know why I'm even stressing over this—I haven't even been asked about joining Vivacity, Trystan thought lamely as she let her spoon settle against the ceramic of the mug. But still, her fingers found her temples and massaged them, because her being granted the opportunity was not something unfathomable. She was beginning to think that if she were asked, New York would no longer be her common residency.

"What are you doing here?"

The voice made Trystan jump. She twisted around in her seat to see that it was Peter. He didn't stop in concern, in lieu perambulating to the refrigerator where he retrieved a bottle of water. Trystan sighed, "I could ask you the same thing."

Peter glanced at her briefly as if debating whether or not he should respond. Deciding, he took a short swig from his bottle and shrugged. "I always come here when I have a lot on my mind."

Trystan released a short chuckle. "I guess we're one in the same then, buddy."

"You look stressed," Peter evaluated without a look of fret, and Trystan wasn't sure if he'd mentioned it just to make her self-conscious.

"That's nice to know."

"The comment was made in effort to get an answer of why you're stressed."

"Then why didn't you just ask?"

Again, Peter's shoulders bounced up and down, a smirk lifting the corner of his lips, "You know I always have to throw one snub in there."

"Hardy har har," Trystan mocked as Peter took the seat across from her. His disposition didn't cry 'interested," but Trystan chose to adorn him with her anxiety-stricken thoughts anyway.

"Well, if you must know, I was recently told that I might be asked to join a production company . . . out here in L.A." Trystan paused to gauge Peter's reaction, and was surprised that he actually had one. If it wasn't a trick of the light, she thought she saw a look of alarm on Peter's face, but it vanished so quickly she couldn't possibly be sure. He motioned for her to continue.

"My boss, Steve, and Lance both told me that the head of the company, I forget his name, has been following my work around recently, and that if he's impressed with our song next Monday, he may offer me a position."

"What company is it?"


Peter's eyes bulged briskly before his brow furrowed. "So what's the problem?"

"To be honest—," Trystan rubbed her palms across her biceps, despite the room's warmth, "--I'm kinda scared. New York is my home and where everything I've done started. Steve and his company is located there, all my family is there, friends, associates . . .everything that's familiar, y'know? New York to me is comfortable and moving out here would be tough, especially being away from everyone, but Vivacity would be such a big deal and . . ." It was her turn to shrug. "I just don't know."

Trystan was sure Peter would offer her words of encouragement, or at least tell her she was crazy if she didn't take the offer, but she was taken aback by his riposte.

"Well, if you're feeling so apprehensive, maybe you should just stay in New York."

Trystan was almost disappointed. "You really think so?"

"I mean, you said it yourself—New York is a place you feel comfortable, and Espresso is a great company out there. L.A. has thousands of producers—one more wouldn't make much of a difference."

"Strangely enough, you're making me feel worse than I already did." Trystan gave him a curt look but wasn't afford one of guilt back.

Peter shrugged. "I'm just being honest. I mean, at the end of the day, the choice would be up to you." Peter pushed back his chair and stood, heading toward the exit of the kitchen. "But, if you were to take any of my advice, it would be to stay where you're most progressive. If that's New York then . . ." Trystan was growing tired of his shrugging. "Home is still waiting for you next Tuesday."

Trystan was so stunned by the consultation, she'd forgotten to ask what bore on his mind so heavily he'd come to the building, too.

. . .

Thanks for reading ^_^ And a special shoutout to @rudehero for showing so much love to this story. Thank you bunches!

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