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Two weeks sped by, almost each day spent preparing for the impending function between the music and fashion company. The air tinged with electricity every time its mention was spoken of. It had begun to garner the attention of many of the locals who wished they were of the elite bunch on the invite list. Trystan's own name had even popped up on media outlets who were discussing the events and the guests attending. Certainly, the night would not be about her, but she blushed at the recognition nonetheless.

Because it was partly Kimioko's event, her name was mentioned countless times, if not about Debonair Inc., about she and Peter's forthcoming marriage. Trystan always turned the station, swiped her phone, or turned the channel when that happened. She did not need the reminder, and certainly did not need for thoughts of Peter to resurface.

She internally prided herself on having kept control of her lust and love for Peter for the past fourteen days, many of which they were tormented by being in the same room. So much work had to be done by the producers and executives that it could have been easy for them both to disregard the other and become drowned in their responsibilities; alas, there were multiple occasions where their eyes met and subtle smirks formed on their lips.

It was not easy forcing herself from Peter, but it gave Trystan much time for thinking. Peter had an unnerving way of clouding her better judgement, and if she could be grateful for anything about their agreement to steer clear of each other, it was that she had time for some clarity. Of course, she still cared for him deeply and thought about constantly, but she realized the the entire situation, the ball was in his court. She could do nothing more to persuade him out of his engagement. The adoration he had gained for her was all she could give. She would not tell him what to do or how to handle the situation, but she hoped she had given him enough to think about as well in the time spent away from her.

" . . . I swear to God, Tree. You always tune me out!"

Trystan turned to Angelique who wore a look of disdain. "Did you hear what I just said?"

She had not, but the last thing she heard before she slipped into her reverie was that Angelique had been excited to go to the gala as well. Trystan revealed that, and Angelique rolled her eyes. "You clearly blocked me out."

"Sorry," Trystan apologized with a laugh as she rummaged through a few expensive dresses hanging from a sophisticated rack. "I was just thinking. This whole gala thing is gonna be massive."

"Which is why you need to hurry up and find a dress and date! Seriously, Tree. We've been to seven stores in the past three hours. Why're you so damn picky?"

"Would you relax?" Trystan furrowed her brow. "You know how hard it is for me to make decisions."

Angelique scoffed, "Tell me about it," and crossed her arms as she walked little ways down the aisle to eye other gowns for her friend. "And why don't you have a date yet?"

"Why do I need a date? I can just go solo."

Angelique groaned, "Tree, everyone knows you'll get looked at harder if you bring a date."

Trystan gave her a short look. "And why would I want that? The paparazzi will already be annoying enough."

"But you wanna get more notoriety, don't you?"

"My bank account seems to think I have plenty notoriety, thank you very much," Trystan teased and Angelique sighed accordingly.

"You are impossible," she murmured under her breath as she fingered her way through the costly clothing.

"Why don't I just third-wheel you and Melissa?" Trystan offered. "I don't mind being the third girlfriend."

It had been said half-jokingly, but Angelique twisted her lips and gave her comrade a sympathetic look. "If you'd been listening to me earlier, that position's already been filled."

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