" . . . Yeah, they decided to take me out to dinner to congratulate me on my position at Vivacity. You wanna come?" Her cell phone pressed between her shoulder and ear, Trystan  rifled through her closet for something to wear as she spoke with Angelique, who Trystan heard smack her teeth.

"P. Dez wants to take you out somewhere? That doesn't even sound believable."

"Well, it's not just him. The other guys actually suggested it. He kinda stood in the background, as usual." Even Trystan had to twist her lips at Peter's lack of enthusiasm at Roger suggesting they all go out to eat. She wasn't even sure if he was going to show up, but she remained unbothered. "So, are you coming or what?"

"Did they say where they were going? You know I'm a vegetarian, so I can't go to any meaty place." Mild disgust lingered in Angelique's voice, and all Trystan could do was chuckle at her dramatic friend.

"Yes, the whole world knows you're a vegetarian, Lique. And I'm actually not sure where we're going. I told them to surprise me."

Angelique groaned, "You're not making this easy for me, Tree."

"Girl, just come!" Trystan exclaimed. "The guys are cool, but I'd enjoy some girl company, too."

Angelique gasped excitedly. "Is someone switching over to the bi-side of town?"

Trystan threw her head back and laughed. "No, girl. You know what I meant. And are you going or not? I'm trying to pick out an outfit and I don't want us ending up wearing the same thing."

"I guess I can entertain some men for the evening. And considering you left it to men to decide to take you on an unromantic date, there's really no telling what you should wear. Something semi-casual. Not too dressy where you'd look out of place, but not too plain either. Kinda like you wanna get laid but you don't want to be too obvious about it."

"And who would I be getting laid by, Miss Angelique?" 

"I don't know . . . Chadwick Boseman?"

The two comrades laughed and Trystan shook her head. "You're a mess. Meet me here at seven-thirty and we'll drive together."

Neal: Trystan said she's on her way. Where are you?

Peter quickly shoved his phone into his jean pocket when Kimioko entered there bedroom. Her nose was stuck in a manila folder, more than likely wedding arrangements,  but paused her scrutiny when she saw him. "Where are you going?"

"Just out with the fellas." He hoped he hadn't answered too quickly. He turned from her and busied himself with a bottle of cologne, hoping she'd leave the matter be, but if he knew one thing from their relationship of eight years, it was that she was a speculator.

"Where to?" Kimioko feigned indifference, but Peter knew well enough her focus was no longer consumed by their wedding.

"Some Japanese restaurant Neal found around the way. Nothing special."

"If it's nothing special, then why are you all dressed up?"

"What? This?" Peter turned and gestured toward his navy blue sweater, barely qualifying it as "dressed up."

Kimioko nodded, setting the folder onto the bed and crossing her arms. "Why are you just now telling me? You promised we'd go over seating arrangements tonight."

"I just found out earlier and I'm sorry, I completely forgot." The latter wasn't completely untrue. He'd remembered earlier in the day his asseveration but consumed himself in his work so he'd purposely forget.

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