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There was a shift in Peter's home that was palpable; he could feel it before he could really see it. The air was easier, less constrictive, surging with joys that did not just come from Raina. If it was even possible from all the light coming in from the condo's windows, he was sure the place seemed even lighter than before. Trystan was no longer guarded around him, unsure of how to approach him. She walked about freely, a smile gracing her face often, not only for their daughter, but Peter, too.

Their new accommodations seemed to come swiftly, much more expeditious than their last attempts. Peter believed it was because he had been the most honest, not just with himself, but Trystan, too. He did not feel he was hiding behind barriers, keeping things from her for her sake while he suffered in silent agony. She took all of what he was and was ready to face the world with it, and he appreciated that about her.

For two nights in a row, Trystan had crept into Peter's bedroom after Raina fell asleep to be with him, and would rise back up before the sun shone so their daughter would not have to wonder where on Earth her mother was every morning. It was not until the third night, after a bedtime story and playful lullaby, that Trystan knelt beside Raina and told her that she would not be sleeping next to her for the remainder of their time there.

"But I don't wanna be all by myself, Mommy," Raina pouted quietly, her cheek against the pillow. "It's big and dark in here, and it can be scary."

"Remember that new night-light Daddy just got you? I'll leave it on all night for you."

"But what if I have to use the bathroom?"

"Baby, I promise there are no monsters. I beat them all up right before you fell asleep," Trystan grinned and the small girl did, too, but she did not seem completely persuaded.

"But you're gonna be all the way upstairs, Mommy. Even our bedrooms at home aren't that far away."

"I know, honey," Trystan sympathized, running a gentle hand over the child's scarfed head. She would have moved their daughter up into one of the extra bedrooms on the top floor, but because Peter hardly had overnight guests—at least not the ones that had shared his own bedroom—the rooms were not furnished, closed off and empty. "I'll be back here before you wake up, and I won't leave until you fall sleep. If you need anything, you can just call me and I'll be right back down here to be with you. How's that sound?"

Raina thought it over for a moment, appearing uneasy, but ultimately nodded. She clutched her stuffed elephant closer to her chest as Trystan smiled and kissed her forehead.

"You're Mommy's big girl, right?" Trystan goaded, and Raina replied with a soft, "Uh huh."

"I know you are." Trystan kissed her again—on the cheek this time—before prostrating. "Now go to sleep, honey. I promise I won't leave until you do."

Raina could at least be comforted by that, and listened as her mother situated her new nightlight before sitting in one of the large, comfy chairs in the room, pulling out one of her thick novels to read. Raina peeked open one eye, smiling a bit as she loved her mother, before allowing herself to fall into a nightly trance, hoping to be as a big of a girl as she could until her mother returned to her.

The nights Peter and Trystan spent together were sexless, though Trystan was positive they both thought of doing the deed. They slept much too closely, their hands feeling along the other's body too often, not to think about it. But neither did, not wanting to go in too quickly, not wanting to disrupt the progress, but damn, it was hard.

Peter wanted to run his hands down the silken nakedness of her skin, and Trystan wanted to clutch his curls as she screamed out in ecstasy, and they were sure they were not making it easy on themselves by choosing the best and worst times to spend time together—when the world about them was asleep and they were free to do all they wanted.

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