love in the air

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I do not own any of these characters they are all Suzanne Collins.

katniss POV

time is flying by so fast it is already Valentine's day and school is half way done.

right now I am picking out dresses for the dance. I am the only one still without a dress. I mean even Johanna picked one out. I do have one I like though it is navy blue and has a silver belt.

"kat you have to get that one it looks so adorable on you"Annie squeals.

"fine but I wanted something red because it is a Valentine dance"I say but then I realize they don't have any red or pink dresses,well only glimmer does it is peachy pink.

"just get it it fits you I can't stand here and listen to you biker about clothes anymore"Johanna pretend barfs.

me and clove laugh and Annie smirks....but glimmer just looks a fended and narrows her eyes.

"excuse me but fashion is a talent"she says and we all laugh even Annie and she like to shop. I guess no one can beat glimmer in shopping.

we all by our dresses and head to the food court and have lunch and chat about what the boys will say when we wear our dresses but Clove just listens. everyone but clove knows Cato is on a brake and coming to visit. I can't wait to see her face. she will be so happy. glimmer almost told her but I smacked her. it was fun.

when we are done having lunch we go to Annie's house to hang and we do each other's nails.

I picked silver to match the dress and because silver matches everything. so did clove but her 's is more of a gray and not as shiny as mine. glimmer picks pink Annie picks blue and Johanna picks dark blue. she wanted to pick black but Annie didn't have black and glimmer would have died so she picked the closest to black. you should have seen glimmer 's face when she asked if Annie had black. it was hilarious.

we all let our toes dry and watch dance moms.

"that lady is a bitch"Johanna says and we all laugh.

"Maddie and Chloe shouldn't have to compete against each other that is just wrong"glimmer says getting into it.

we all laugh at each other as we comment about rights and wrongs. at the end off the episode we all leave to eat dinner.

I just hope love Will be good for me and peeta because I think love is in the air.

another chapter. Cato is visiting yay! how are Johanna and glimmer even friends. I will update soon. I will try to make them a little longer next time.

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