the project

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I do not own any of these characters they are all Suzanne Collins
finnick pov

I wake up with a buzzing in my ear. oh that's right summer is over and yesterday we started school.that is also when I met katniss, cloves cousin and let me say peeta would not shut up about it on the phone last night.haha I remember I used to be that way with Annie until I told her how I felt.

I jump in my car and head to school. when I'm just about to park a car pulls in the spot. crap then I realize it's are principal Mr.Snow what an ass.

I walk to my licker to be visited by the most gorgeous girl in the world Annie.

"hello finnick"she said

"hi gorgeous I have a plan to get peeta and katniss togetger," I state with a smirk.

"why such an interest in peeta's life all of a sudden?

"well he is my best friend and ...wait you weren't there yesterday when we were at cloves house but let's just say I think the cat bit both there tounges"

"oh I see"

I shut my locker and me and Annie walk to class when we enter only a few people are there so we sit in are normal seats and talk to kill time.

finally five minutes later clove walks in with katniss and glimmer.

they sit with us at our table and join the conversation.

right before cinna are home room teacher walks in marvel,cato walk in followed by peeta just in time before we take attendance.

"Hello class for the next two weeks you will be partnered up to do a skit in front of the class"he says a shuts the door.

"so um clove and annie

Joanna and marvel

cato and glimmer

gale and finnick

katniss and petta

thresh and foxface.

wait katniss and peeta oohh interesting my plan will work perfectly.only one thing could make this better if I were with Annie

"cinna um can  me and peeta go to the bathroom"

"okay I guess" he sounds a littile confused but then picks up and gets what I mean.

peeta looks confused but just goes with it we take one step oitside outside and he asks me what's going on.

"finnick what the hell is wrong with you"

"so you and katniss I wiggle my eyebrows"

"you might be my beat friend but you need to know when to shut up."

"peeta everyone needs be able to talk to a girl they like and for you that's katniss so let the words spray do you like katniss?"


so what did you think, who is it,why is finnick so much like my annoying brother.

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